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September 5, 2017


8:41 pm

I wake up feeling invincible. I don't check the time because I don't want anything to shatter my surviving spirit. The day I've spent with Rufus has been the best experience at living life than I've done in my whole life. I felt like this entire day; well technically less than the twenty-four not guaranteed hours we were given left to live, has changed me. In a good way though, a really good, maybe great way. I seriously want to wake up the next day with Rufus beside... alive. I just woke up from sleeping with Rufus tucked in tight beside me. I stroked my hand across his jawline and through his hair. "I love you so freaking much Rufus Emeterio."  I decided that I would go make us two cups of tea. I hope he likes tea. Maybe he's a coffee guy? I patted his shoulder unsure of what he'd rather like. His eyes fluttered open curious about what I was doing up instead of sleeping held in between his arms. "I'm gonna get us something to drink, would you like anything? Tea? Coffee? Or something else?" He sat up with his head against the backboard of my bed.

"What about our 'not leaving our little safe island' promise? Did you already forget?" A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Have any juice instead? If not, I'll be fine with the coffee."

I nodded my head as I got out of the bed and stepped out of our safe island. I forgot whether or not I had any juice left in the fridge. I opened the door to my room and heard footsteps behind me. "What are you doing? Just stay in the bed and relax."

"Well, I have to make sure you don't go dyin' on me before me," He said with a soft smile but a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Alright then." Rufus and I walked into the kitchen side by side. I opened the fridge to see what was inside and there was a half emptied bottle of apple juice. "Is apple alright?" Rufus nodded and I reached into one of the cabinets for a glass. I poured one drink for Rufus and one for me. "I wonder what time it is? But at the same time I'd rather not look."

"Same here man." At first I thought that hurt his feelings but I couldn't tell when his firm arms wrapped around me, enveloping me in a warm hug.


8:47 pm

We sat on his couch as we sipped from our glasses. I am still pretty impressed at how far Mateo's come in less than a day. At first I accepted that I was gonna die, but that was around early in the morning. Back when I was with some of the Plutos beating up that prick, Peck. Back when I got the alert from Death-Cast that I'd be dying sometime today. Shit, now I really wish I could see tomorrow with Mateo. If anything, I just hope I go before him. I don't think I could bear the feeling of losing him. How would I react? What would I do? I don't know but I chose not to think of it. He adjusted his blue-and-gray flannel shirt and he moved more towards me. He reached for a laptop sitting on the coffee table.

He put his glass down the coffee table and brought the laptop back over to where we sat. As soon as he opened the laptop, I moved my hand to cover the time being displayed. What was the point of looking at it if it would only ruin the mood. He clicked on the mouse pad over and over until he arrived into some folder. I looked like it was music, but I was confused when I saw he labelled them Space Sounds. He put the right earphone in and gave me the one for the left ear. He starting playing this unique sounding 'music'. It was actually pretty cool. It sounded like some sort of fast current. "Do you like it?" Mateo asked.

"Yeah, I like it a lot."

After he played the song for me he put the laptop back on the coffee table and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. He smiled as our eyes met and I went back in for deeper kiss. "I love you Roof,"

"I love you too man."

As we intimately kissed each other we got interrupted by a phone call to the house. Mateo had a confused look on his face. "Who would be calling now?" I asked. Mateo shrugged his shoulders as he got up and travelled across the room to the phone.


9:24 pm

It was from the hospital Dad was staying at. I got that feeling of butterflies flying around in my stomach as soon as I pressed the answer button on the phone. There was a short pause before someone on the other end of the phone started talking. "Hello there, is this the Torrez residence?" A lady spoke. "I'm looking for the son of Mr. Torrez."

"Yes ma'am. I'm his son, Mateo." I felt really scared about what this was about. Maybe Dad finally woke up! Maybe I could see him one last time before I meet my end!

"I'm so very sorry for this sudden news, but sadly Mateo Torrez passed away at 9:15 pm tonight. My deepest condolences, Mateo."

I couldn't move. I was so confused and my eyes started to tear up. I turned away so I wasn't facing Rufus anymore. "What... did you say?"

"I'm very sorry Mateo. I can definitely let you know that he passed on peacefully. Whenever you're available, we will need you to stop by the hospital-"

"I'm on my way."


9:37 pm

I don't think he's on the phone anymore, but he's not moving an inch. I got up off the couch and stepped in front of him. He was crying. Never-ending tears streaming down his face. I went in to give him a hug and caressed his back trying to calm him down from whatever what was making him cry. "Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" I asked him in the calmest voice I could pull off.

"... It was the hospital..." Mateo began. "My dad... he's dead."

My eyes shot open. That's the worst news. His dad died on Mateo's own End-Day. Wait. There was only one call for Mateo. "But your dad didn't get the call... right? Then how?"

"He did." I scrunch my eyebrows unsure about what he was trying to say. "It was the call I got. My dad and I shared the same name..."

As sad as this was and how much I felt for Mateo. It was a relief at the same time. Mateo wasn't dying today. He might've wasted his yesterdays but he wasn't out of tomorrows. I didn't even realize I started crying myself. "I have to go see him," Mateo said while his face was nudged into my neck.

"Then I'm coming with ya."


10:02 pm

We were across the street from Althea Park nearing the hospital. Now that it was clear that I wasn't dying today, I took the lead guiding Rufus instead.


10:10 pm

This kid is being seriously cautious. He's not letting me even go close to the roads until they are clear. The last road before passing Althea Park and reaching the hospital was dead silent. It was pretty dark because the street lamps were dead. Mateo crossed the road as I was tying up my undone shoelaces. He was on the other side of the street when he turned around to find me not behind him and still on the other side of the road. "You're supposed to stick right beside me!" Mateo yelled.

"My bad, my bad sorry Mateo."

I felt a buzz in my back pocket so I took out my phone. It was just a promotional email that I should've unsubscribed to a while ago. I swiped across the screen and was faced to a wallpaper of Mateo. I smiled and started to walk across the street unaware of the car racing towards me with no headlights and without an arm to hold me back.

September 5, 2018

Mateo Torrez

7:07 am

Today was the anniversary of not only my dad's passing, but Rufus' too. I was supposed to call Lidia in a few hours. I just came from visiting my dad with the headstone inscription, 'Here Lies Mateo: He Lived for Everyone' which was meant for me. Now I stood and faced Rufus' grave. Tears slipped out of my eyes even though they were already red and puffy. I sat in front of his grave and took out my laptop from my backpack. I opened my Space Sounds folder and clicked on Neptune track. It started to play.

Rufus & Mateo  (TBDATE AU)Where stories live. Discover now