"look! we're on the news!"

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golden sand crunched underneath them as they walked, the sun beaming  down, beating harshly on the two boys who've been on the run for three days straight now.

sweat beads dripped from his forehead, down his freckled cheeks and off his chin. he violently coughed and only dreamed about having cold soothing water clear his throat. yamaguchi was only a little bit pale and a tiny bit skinnier then usual. tsukishima on the other hand...

the tall blonde was extremely malnourished and his skin was turning a sickening pale-green colour. not to mention that behind his steamed up glasses are his bloodshot golden eyes, they also had huge bags that was hard to notice even when the glasses were on.

yamaguchi was confused on how tsukishima was in such a worser state then him.  'maybe he's just taking the current situation a bit harder then i am?' yamaguchi thought out loud.

an hour passed and yamaguchi couldn't take it anymore.

he needed water, badly.

"tsukki." yamaguchi spoke up. not getting attention from tsukki but he knew he was listening. "we really need to find water and maybe possibly food as well..." he spoke in a soft whisper that was still heard by tsukki. yama was always cautious of how loud he would talk in front of tsukki. he would say it's a force of habit but he's always been self aware of it.

reading the blondes body language to see if he was in a bad mood or not, making sure not to talk too loud or too quiet. making sure he wasn't being so annoying that tsukishima would have a reason to run away and leave yama to die all alone. because in reality, yamaguchi couldn't live without tsukishima.

he hasn't realised the love he holds so dear to the blonde but he would someday.

"cool" was all yamaguchi could hear from tsukki, but this one word made yamaguchis heart flutter in all wonderful ways he couldn't describe. it was peeling off a sticker and it comes off in all one bit. (yall know what i'm talking about, right?)
he wanted to hear it more but he didn't want to annoy him so he stopped talking all together.

yama pulls his purple backpack down from his shoulders and pulls out a gps, which seems to be broken...

he smacked it a few times before a flashing light came on the screen. the little green haired freckle face was proud of himself, he was able to actually do something worthwhile in his 16 years he's been living.
he wanted to scream in joy but remembered the cold hearted boy standing next to him,
he remained calm and tried to find the nearest shop.

he scowled after he noticed the percentage on the device: 15%. if they wanted to get there before the gps runs out of charge, they need to get there fast.

fortunately, it only was a ten minute walk.

unfortunately, the path leading to it was a twisty one that was hard to remember.

fortunately, yamaguchi had an impeccable memory.

unfortunately, the shop was closed...

welp... looks like we gotta break in...

the two boys begin to walk down the road that led off the mustard coloured sand and began their journey.

two minutes in and yamaguchi got bored. he realised the white pair of earphones in tsukkis ears that were slightly dusty.
it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?
"hey tsukki, can i listen to your music too?" he hesitantly asked
i m m e d i a t e l y regretting asking.

but to his surprise, tsukki accepted taking out his left earphone and putting into yamas ear, his finger slightly brushed his hair.

yamas face flushed a deep red making him look like a complete strawberry! and an idiot...

his thoughts were quickly washed away when he noticed something, very strange...

"tsukki... there's no music playing! have you been listening to nothing this whole time? you big goof!" tsukishima only blinked at the question, like it was a really stupid one. yamaguchi also blinked, but in embarrassment. he realised he had said to much to tsukki and covered his mouth.

"shut up yamaguchi" the blonde remarked.

"sorry tsukki..."

by now the gps has run out but luckily they were almost there. the run down part of town. the part where the most people would go do their shopping, walk their dog or even do yoga??? but now, now it's deserted. cracked windows, dusty shelves and creaky doors. not to mention it smells of ass.

'is the food still going to be in date?' yamaguchi thought. he looked up at tsukki to see he still had that same cold hearted face he always had. yama smiled at this, the fact that tsukki never changes amazes him, he just wanted to learn how.

he soon snaps out of his thoughts because a certain salty boy went ahead of him, opening the glass door to the cobweb-covered shop, ready to thief everything they can.

looking around for a while, yama found a bag of gummy bears still in date. he smiled joyfully, but when he tried to get them... he couldn't reach.
(ik yama is actually v tall i just can't bring myself to accept that. HES TALLER THAN DAICHI?!?!??)

sighing, yama went to find the french fry.

"can you get the gummy bears. please?" yamaguchi pulled his totally-not-annoying tone. which, always seem to work. tsukishima got in front of the packet and reached up for it.

'way to go tadashi. the good-for-nothing asking for help. again! can't you do anything for your self?'

cut was out his thoughts by once again, tsukishima handing him a packet of gummy bears.

they stayed in the abandoned shop over night eating, drinking (not alcohol >:( )
and sleeping.

tsukki didn't eat, drink, or sleep. yamaguchi didn't know why but he didnt want to seem clingy so he just let it slide.
all throughout the night, yama constantly worried about his friend. but tsukkis smart! he definitely would have a reason for it... right?

the morning came quicker than expected. the pair decided to get an early start. and by early i mean like 10:34 in the morning.

they passed multiple shops. yamaguchi looking briefly in the windows of each one, making sure he doesn't miss anything of value.

he passes one shop in particular that catches his eye.

a small shop selling gadgets and stuff. in the display, two tvs that surprisingly still work. they were playing the news.

yamaguchis eyes widen when he sees WHO is on the telly. his heart rate speeds up and lightly taps tsukkis arm to get his attention.

"tsukki look! we're on the news!"

the pair became silent to listen to what the news lady had to say over current stuttering from how old the tv must be.

"yamaguchi tadashi still on the run with the body of tsukishima kei, whom he murdered four days ago. the intent of this horrible incident remains unknown, but if you have any information on where this cold hearted killer is, please inform us."

a single tear rolled down a freckled cheek.


1247 words bitchezzzzz

if you read this again with the knowledge that tsukki was dead that whole time everything would seem so different.

anywaysss how was itt🤪🤪
i honestly tried lmao.

if you have anything i could improve upon pleasddeeeeeee sayyy!!!!!!!

-hi evelyn if you're reading this:)

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