Part 22

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"I accept." C said, as he threw the necklace into a trashcan, it landing perfectly. Tokuhei nodded and took his glove of and rolled up his sleeve to his ellbow. He desinfected the area and injected the serum into the veins of the grunt. He held the wound close with the deninfection paper and told C to stay in the office, just in case something went wrong.
"I will return if you need me Ghetsis." Tokuhei said and left with the syringes. C collapsed after a bit. Ghetsis kayed the passed out grunt on a couch in the room.
The grunt woke after a few hours and sat up. A Pokeball fell of his belt and he chought it quickly. "So it is true." He said and smiled evily. He stood up and streached. "Sir? May I report to you how it feels?"
"Yes you can!" Ghetsis said and smiled. "At first it was painfull, yet the painwent away and I am able to feel every fibre of my body. It feels amazing, like I am full of energy and power." C explained and stood straight. "Perfect! You are dismissed." Ghetsis said and smiled. C left the office.

C looked for Calvin and found him on deck. "Cal!" He said and ran to the grunt he was friends with. "It's to see you C!" Calvin said and the two grunts hugged slightly. "Garchomp is alive!" The two said at the same time and laughed. "You are more happy and not as cold as before C what happened?" Calvin asked. "Well. You see. We live now. Not years ago! I let go of my past. It's over anyways." C said and smiled. "I'll be training. Want to come too?" Calvin nodded, as the reply and the two went to train.

C took of the top parts of his uniform, revealing his chest. He had a scar that looked like it had been caused by the blade of a knife and was never really properly taken care of. The grunt just continued to train, as Calvin looked at the scar and asked about it. "I wanted to make a person I know happy." C said, in a slight groan, while lifting twice the ammount that he usually did. "I stole a necklace, got cought and the owner slit my chest open." He put the bar back and sighed. Calvin looked at C. "You didn't deserve it."

"There is my 4rth gym badge!" Nate said and smiled. He put it into the case and left the gym, with a smile on his face. He went to the ferris wheel of Nimbasa City and payed for a ride. He smiled and looked at the city, looking for a place to stay. He thought about looking at a play in the theater and decided to do so. He payed entry and sat down in a seat, looking around. "Thought someone's following me." He said to himself and streached. He watched the play.

Ghetsis went to C and put a hand on the young grunts shoulder. "Can you meet me in my office 298?" He asked, with a small smile. "Yes sir!" Ghetsis gave a nod and went to his office, while C followed. The two entered. "I want you to go undercover and spy on someone." Ghetsis said and showed C a picture of Nate, the kid interfiering their plans. "Yes sir." "He should be in Nimbasa City." Ghetsis said, to which C replied with a nod and left, changing into black shoes, blue jeans and and a red shirt. He kept the earpiece in, through what he was given directions. He went to Nimbasa City and found Nate outside of the theater, where the play had just finnished. "I see him." C reported to Ghetsis, as he approached the child, wanting to befriend them, to make it easier with reporting back to Ghetsis.

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