Part 26

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Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
Scolipede Lv 65
Genesect Lv 80

Juniper left the lab and smiled at the two males. "The Zorua is fine now. You can come in if you want." The female professor said and entered the lab. C and Nate entered after her.
C looked at the small fox like Pokemon. The Zorua looked at him and jumped at the disguised grunt, licking his face. 'This guy saved me!' She thought happily. "Hey. Calm down!" C said and held a pokeball, that ghetsis gave to him to the Zorua, without thinking what drama it was about to cause. "Want to join my team?" The male asked, before the Pokemon nodded in agreement and tapped its head on the ball and it being cought easily.
Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
Scolipede Lv 65
Genesect Lv 80
Zorua Lv 15

C put the ball into his bag. "Chris. Do you care to explain why you own a Pokeball from Team Plasma?" Juniper asked. "I found it. Sorry I didn't fucking know!" C exclaimed and stood up. "They are really good at catching pokemon so why wouldn't I keep them." He said and streached. Nate and Juniper nodded, believing the grunt. A huge mistake for them. "I need to train Zorua. I want to be alone for the day." C said and left the lab and used Garchomps dig to get into the forest where he had the Dragon-Ground type stand there and get attacked by Zorua.
After about half an hour, Zorua knocked Garchomp out and leveled up about 40 levels.
Zorua began to glow and evolved into a Zoroark, after which C got out Genesect and let the artificial Pokemon stand there and let itseld get beaten up by the illusion Pokemon. After what felt like an eternity, Genesect passed out and Zoruark leveled up to level 75.
C called the two unconcious Pokemom back and told the Zoroark to follow him. "You seem smart enough not to hurt humans. And I am smart enough to understand you."

"Lord Ghetsis." C said holding two fingers onto the earpiece. He repirted what had happened and that he would come back the next day. "I will do my best so I don't blow my cover. I will stay out of trouble between us and the teens." C said, monotone as usually. He had faked emotions when he was with Nate, to make him seem more normal. "Sounds good. We're in the harbour of Driftveil City, right after the PWT." "Yes sir! I shall meet you there. The kid's name is Nate. He said he wanted to participate in the PWT and wanted me to do so too. I will go there too just in case it could raise suspision." C said and removed his fingers. He went to Junipers lab and asked her to heal his Pokemon, which she did immedeatly after a few questions and C explained.

The grunt used Garchomp to get to Driftveil City. He went to the PWT and streached as he got to Nate. The boy and Clay greeted him. "I was just about to explain to Nate what the PWT is." Clay said and looked at C. "I want you two to participate. "Sounds like fun. Tell me more." C said and put his arms behind his head.
"It is basically a tournament with some gym leaders and regular people like you two. Cherren will participate, yet I won't. Winner gets further and is a step closer to winning, yet the looser is completely out and can not participate anymore. For your first tournament the winner will get 100 Pokédollars." Clay explained. "I'm in!" Nate said and rushed inside. "Sounds like fun. I'll head inside." C said and entered the building.
The grunt went forwards on the blue carpet, which was rolled out on the white floor. The grunt went to the administration. "I'd like to participate. Name's Christopher Cistrophy." He said and took his Garchomp, Scolipede and Zoroark with him. His first one would be Zoruark, second Scolipede and third his iconic Garchomp. He was taken to a room, which was nicely decorated and looked really nice. It had a desk, a vending machine with snacks and water and lemonade. C bought a cola and drank it as he waited. He finnished it, as he got called for the fight. "That's what you call perfect timing."
Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
Scolipede Lv 65
Genesect Lv 80
Zoroark Lv 75

C went out to the arena. He was on the red side as he went onto the white stage. His first opponent was a random backpacker. "COME ON OUT GEODUDE!" He yelled and sent said pokemon out.
"COME ON OUT GARCHOMP!" He yelled, as he wanted Zoruark to transform into Garchomp, which it did. It appeared to be a level 75 Garchomp on the stage. The undecover Plasmagrunt smirked. "Night Slash!" The pokemon did as commanded and onehit koed the level 24 Geodude. "Come out Graveler!" The backpacker said, the pokemon was still only level 25. "Foul Play!" The disguised Zoroark attacked with a one shot ko.
He soared through the rest of his opponents, with one shot kos. Even against Nate who he was against in the Finale. "The winner is Christopher Cistrophy!" Clay said and gave the undercover grunt the resource that was used to buy things. He put it in his pocket and left the building. It was getting dark and Nate and C went into the town where they split up. C went to the harbour and Nate to the Pokecentre. C went onto the frigate and went under deck to get his uniform. He had thrown the Pokeball like Nate and not like he would, as usually noone threw the pokeball in different ways and Chris' way was a slight bit extra.

C got dressed in his uniform and went to Ghetsis immedeatly. He entered and reported what happened. "Good job 298. You did perfectly. I wounder if that kid will try to fight you ever again." The boss of Team Plasma said. "I highly doubt it." C said, monotone as always. He left Ghetsis office and went on deck, sitting down and getting out a cigaret, lighting it and starting to smoke.
Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
Scolipede Lv 65
Genesect Lv 80
Zoroark Lv 75

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