Chapter twenty one

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Joe decided to give me the day off. Actually more like half a day off since I worked half already. I might have bared my teeth at him like I had seen Cameron do once. Unlike him I looked lame, however it did make Joe almost smile. So I'm going to count that as a win.

I have been getting these weird migraines which kinda makes me grumpy. It started right about that weird maybe memory thing I had when I hugged Joe. Not only is it scaring me but also the boys. I'm pretty sure they have been running away from me. I haven't been the nicest person to be around. After snapping at Austin, a kind of part time worker for no good reason but for the fact that he spoke too loud, Joe practically kicked me out.

I feel so bad about the way I snap at Austin. He's honestly one of the nicest people you could ever meet. He's this huge blonde, brown eyes guy that looks intimidating but actually a big teddy bear. He reminds me a lot of Bear. A huge guy with a extremely loud voice, even his whisper hurt my head. It wasn't really his fault. I don't blame him at all.

I won't really say Austin is really a part time worker nor is he full time. He's has a zero hour contract. He's a single parent who is now also taking care of his brother children since his brother decided that he wasn't daddy material.

I have to make him cookies and maybe muffins to say I'm sorry.

These migraines are making me into a bigger a-hole than I already am. The thing that made me feel even worst was the fact that he just understood. He even apologised and gave me a ride. I'm the worst person ever.

Don't ask me why I'm sitting on a bench in the same park that I had been kidnapped from feeding the birds and wearing a sunglasses that I stole from Austin's car.

Is it considered theft if he watched me do it? I'm not even burrowing it, these glasses are badass. Austin always have the best accessories. He wears this ring on his pinky and I swear if it fit me, it would be wearing it right now.

There is a lake near the spot my life changed. Forever. Just thinking about that night makes me shiver. I really thought I was going to die. Let's not forget how I was fired just minutes before because I wouldn't suck a dick for extra hours. Did I get fired for saying no or did I get fired for damaging his said dick. It was quite pathetic piece of stick I tell ya.

Don't gag.

Some men are get yuck!

That day feels like ages ago but really it was just a month ago. One month and a lot has happened that literally changed my life. Things I thought were just fiction turned out to be real. There are werewolf. Some are great and some are not just like humans. The only difference is they can kill me within a blink and have tails part time.

"Look who it is?"a snarky voice said.

If I was anyone else, for instance a nice person, I would probably groan inwardly to try and avoid hurting the other person's feelings but unfortunately I'm not. And I couldn't give two crap about hurting this specific person's feeling since she didn't hesitate hurting me couple months ago. You know when she had a tongue down my boyfriend's throat and his dick deep in her open season flap she calls vagina.

Needless to say I'm still not over her betrayal, mostly because I always hand her back like a silly idiot I am. Got in so many fights for her.

I groan loudly and so unladylike. I even throw my head back to show my annoyance. I'm trying to be so blunt without having to talk to her. I really hope she gets a clue.

"How pathetic you sitting there alone"

She didn't.

Not really shocking. She isn't the smartest fish in the sea.

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