Y-y-you c-came b-ba-ack

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Kings POV
Captain has been acting strange, he's always in his room and won't talk to anyone. And when he does leave his room I notice cuts on his wrist.

That's what I like to call depression

Well I guess I know he's cutting, but why? Maybe something to do with his past?

Meliodas's POV
I grabbed my coat and walked downstairs. As soon as I did Elizabeth hugged me. Get off of me! Sir meliodas you've been acting really strange, can you tell us what's wrong? You wouldn't understand. It wouldn't hurt to tell us. Trust me it would. Please?! I'm going back to my home land. Where is that? I can't tell you it would give away my race. Why won't you tell us your race?! Because if I did everything would be worse! What do you mean? I've tried hiding my depression because I didn't want you to worry, but it gets worse everyday. Depression? I've had it for 3,000 years, and it's because of Elizabeth she ruined my life. But she's only 16. You don't understand, and I'm done talking, I'm leaving I can't be around a filthy goddess anymore!

Elizabeth's POV
I didn't tell anyone but I know about my past, and hearing someone I love talk about me like that broke my heart. I guess I was wrong, all demons are just people who only care about themselves. Or so I thought.......

Kings POV
After the captain ran out of the tavern I followed him to a.....portal? He looked hesitant but walked in anyway. I followed him in and it was the demon..realm

He started running towards a huge castle. Was that his...home? No he can't be a demon! A lot of people were staring at him. Why?! I have so many questions!

A fairy! Someone was screaming. They know I'm here! The captain heard them yelling and ran faster than he already was. Captain! Why did I do that?! I ran up to him and was preparing for him to yell. What?! Why are you in the demon realm? Because I haven't seen my baby brother in 3,000 years. You have a brother? You've seen him before but every time I see him it's when we're fighting, and it's my fault. How? I abandoned him just because I loved a stupid goddess! Is that why yo- I can't stay with the sins if it means I can't see my brother. You can't leave! You're our captain! You guys don't want me to be upset right? Well of course not. Then let me leave, I wouldn't be depressed if I never left. Then leave, I won't bother you anymore. Bye.

Meliodas's POV
I was walking through the halls of a castle when I stopped in front of my old room. I walked inside and everything was still here. Swords, armor, and.....a note. I left it here before I left, I knew Zeldris would see it because he was always in my room.

Zeldris ran into my room and hugged me. I assume someone told him I was here. he pulled away from the hug and punched me. I didn't mind because I did abandon him. I got up and noticed that he was crying. I hugged him and he cried more, I thought he hated me. Y-y-you c-came b-ba-ack. I came back because I regret ever leaving in the first place, I couldn't hate you even if I tried. But I t-tried t-to k-kill you! You could kill me and I'd still love you. What happened to your wrist? It's nothing. Please tell me? I don't want you to worry. Well you should get some sleep. Yea I guess.

He left my room and I took a blade out of my pocket. At this point it's like I can't stop cutting

Well try short blonde boy!

I stood in front of the sink holding the blade to my wrist, when I heard my bedroom door open. I quickly put the blade back in my pocket, and walked out of the bathroom.

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