Love story| Luwoo: Soft

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"Hi, I'm Jungwoo," as soon as Jungwoo spoke, Lucas's heart jumped a little. He'd never felt this way towards a fan, especially a male fan.

Lucas remembered the feeling so fondly, The way he couldn't stop smiling at the older, and the fact he got so easily flustered by Jungwoo. He remembered signing Jungwoo's album, leaving his phone number along with the note "I'd love to be friends,"


What came after that was a complete surprise to Jungwoo. He had called Lucas and He wanted to meet Jungwoo on the coming day, So Jungwoo went and met him. Of course, Why would he say no?

Since then, They would meet almost every week for months, and they formed a bond. It was crazy, An idol spending time with a normal person like Jungwoo. He didn't know why Lucas wanted to spend time with him, But Jungwoo didn't complain.

Within a year, The two of them had become best friends, maybe even something more....

Jungwoo remembered the day Lucas confessed like the back of his hand. It was when they were on one of their weekly hangouts.

"I like you a lot, Snoopy," Lucas suddenly blurted out. Jungwoo's heart stopped in shocked. Then with that, His feelings came out like a waterfall.

"I like you too, Lulu," Jungwoo spoke in his usual soft voice.

Lucas's mouth dropped a little before he kissed Jungwoo. And for the first time in a long time, They felt complete. They were eachother's missing puzzle piece, and they loved each other with their whole hearts.


"Snoopy, You wanna meet the members?" Lucas asked Jungwoo. Jungwoo's eyes widened, trying to process the question

"Um— yeah sure," Jungwoo said, trying to act as calm as he could. Meanwhile internally, he was panicking .

Meeting the members was a scary thought. Not because they were scary, But because he was nervous that they won't like him. Jungwoo knew how much the members meant to Lucas, and feared that their opinions could break their relationship.

"Good, Cause they're sorta coming," Jungwoo laughed nervously.

"W-what?" Jungwoo asked, completely caught off guard. Before he could even express his nerves, the members walked into the practice room. Jungwoo's head shot towards the opening door as panic set in.

Nervously, Jungwoo grabbed onto Lucas's sleeve.

"Hi guys! This is Jungwoo," Lucas smiled as he said his name. Jungwoo bowed a little to the members.

"Hi," Jungwoo said quietly.

"THIS IS JUNGWOO?!" Hendery asked excitedly, Lucas nodded and Hendery ran towards Jungwoo, hugging him.

"Wow Lucas, You are one lucky man, He's cute," Hendery said, His voice muffled. When he pulled away he was met with the rest of the members laughing at a pouty Yangyang and Xiaojun, Hendery nervously chuckled.

"Enough guys. So this is the Jungwoo you always talk about," Kun said.

"Wow, So he has the giant baby's heart," Ten teased.

"I kinda thought he wasn't real for a little while," Xiaojun admitted, Earning a small hit from a frowing Lucas.

"We should get Hotpot," Winwin suggested, They all agreed and went outside the practice room.


Over the delicious lunch, Jungwoo had become comfortable with all the members. They were really interesting to talk to, especially when they all talked about their significant other... well except Kun,  He was the only single one.

After lunch, Lucas took Jungwoo to a nearby ice cream shop.

"The members really liked you, Snoopy," Lucas smiled as he leaned forwards and licked Jungwoo's ice cream, earning a slight shove from the older.

"Hey, This is my ice cream!" Jungwoo whined. "I'm glad they like me," he spoke again, smiling this time.

"Maybe since they like you, We should reveal our relationship. The other guys did it and it went fine, Why can't we?" Lucas said.

What he said would have scared the life out of Jungwok, But something inside of him made him believe everything would be okay.

"That sounds great,"


A/N: I WANTED TO POST YESTERDAY BUT I COULDNT POST IT CAUSE WATTPAD DIDNT LET ME AAAA- Anyways Happy Late Birthday to NCTZENS! And before you try to break your brain on trying to guess which member is in a relationship with who I'll make it easy and just tell you

Kun- Single
Ten- Taeyong
Winwin- Yuta
Lucas- Jungwoo (duh)
Xiaojun- Hendery - Yangyang

Ight thats it, Stay safe and wash your hands!

Rae, The author

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