We can never be| Taeten: soft?

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A/N: I feel like I will need to explain some things. Basically, Yokai are a wide category of monsters, ghosts and other supernatural beings of Japanese myths. There are many types of Yokai, but the type I chose was Obake.

Obake is a term for any creature that can shapeshift into a human. Creatures that are historically known to transform are foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, cats, or in this case, Kami Demons which is what Taeyong is in this story.

Kami Demons are basically spirits, gods, or deities of Japan's Shinto religion. It's a wide concept that can be used to describe the spirits of loved ones or animals. In most Obake stories, Demon can shape shift in 3 different forms, An animal, A god/spirit, or the usual beautiful women, or in this case for Taeyong, a beautiful man. It is also looked down upon when any type of Yokai is in a relationship/ is close with a human.

I would make Ten a Yokai too but since they actually go well together it wouldn't make this fun so I made Ten a human instead, sorry if you are disappointed ndkdndbdjsj.

Anyways I hope this will clear up some questions you may have, Now please enjoy reading this! Dont forget to stay safe and wash your hands!

-Rae, The author

"So, This is how we'll end?" Ten's voice quivered, as he turned to look at Taeyong, his eyes still on the shimmering stars.

Taeyong's heart grew heavy, He knew from the beginning he should have left Ten alone, but love makes you do stupid things. Taeyong needed to let go.

Taeyong took a deep breath, exhailing.

"Ten," both of them were now standing face to face.

"You know we can't be together, I'm a Yokai, a Kami demon to be exact, You are a human—"

"What are you afraid of?" Ten cut Taeyong off, his eyes glassy, tears fighting to not come out.

"Tell me Taeyong, Are you afraid we will turn out like Yuta and Sicheng?" Ten said. The air was cold, stinging both of their cheeks.

Taeyong look defeated, he didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah," Taeyong replied quietly. "I am," Even though Taeyong couldn't imagine a life without Ten— He just didn't want to cause anymore pain.

Taeyong held out his arms, Welcoming the smaller in an embrace.

"I'm sorry," said Taeyong, Fresh tears stung Taeyong's eyes as he held Ten tighter. Ten tried his best not to cry, But little sobs couldn't be held in as they escaped his throat.

They both stayed like that for a while, In complete silence. The stars twinkled and laughter and chatter was heard in the distance, signaling the festival down town was far from over.

Taeyong and Ten should've been there.


Taeyong's thoughts went wild as he recalled a moment from a few days ago.

"We can have a happy ending, Tae, We're in control of our lives, right?" Ten said, as he smiled at Taeyong.

They deserved to be happy.

Ten composed himself, breaking away from the hug. He wiped his tears away one last time. He wasn't going to give up on Taeyong.

"We can—"

"Fuck it," Taeyong suddenly said, Startling Ten. Taeyong rubbed his eyes, his heart thumping inside his chest. He could do it, even if it was for a little while, After Ten was gone, Taeyong would've been alone again but—

"I love you, Ten," Taeyong confessed, destroying his train of thought. If Taeyong had to sacrifice for this love, then so it be.

Ten gave him a soft smile, Taeyong had stars in his eyes.

"I love you too, Tae," Ten said, Cupping Taeyong's cheeks as Taeyong slowly leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met, it was like a perfect fit.

Taeyong knew what it was like for some fairytails, There wasn't a happy ending. But even with that, Taeyong wanted Ten, He needed him.

Even if their love was only temporary, They will still love eachother for eternity.

A/N: Last A/N for this story I swear, Im sorry if this story didn't make sense, If you have some questions about this oneshot ask away, I'll answer :D

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