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Day 1

       "Hey Starflight I'm going to get more boxes with scrolls for the library be right back" Fatespeaker said. "Ok I'll be here trying to organize the scrolls and if not try to memorize the library" Starflight said sadly. It had been over 2 months since he lost his sight and now he felt like he has nothing to do since he can't read scrolls on his own. Starflight was pulled from his thoughts when a familiar voice spoke to him. "Hey Starflight how you doing?" Sunny said with a warm smile, "alright" Starflight trying not to let his sadness show through. "You sure? You don't feel ok. Is it because you can't read any scrolls?" Sunny said and Starflight just slowly nodded.

       Sunny thought for some time until she had an idea on what she could do, "I can help you!" Sunny said with a smile. "What?" Starflight said lifting his head trying to be eye level with Sunny. "I'll help you. I'll read you scrolls during our breaks, I'll help you navigate around the school. I will help you and Fatespeaker sort scrolls and when I have time off we can hang out. Is that alright?" Sunny said placing her talon on Starflight's talon making him smile. "That sounds great. I have one job for you" Starflight said and Sunny smiled, "of course what is it" Sunny said. Since Fatespeaker is gone can you help me sort out the scrolls and organize them to be put into the right shelf?" Starflight said and Sunny nodded until she mentally slapped herself remembering he can't see.

       "I would love to Starflight" Sunny said helping Starflight over to the boxes of scrolls and got to work. "This one is for History" Sunny said guiding him over to the box of History scrolls. "Perfect. I know where these go and when I'm done I will come over to help you" Starflight said. "Got it" Sunny said and Sunny felt extra special, not because she is helping out, she loves that but she is helping out Starflight most of all. Sunny took a box labeled 'Superhero' and she found the shelf a little ways down. She placed the scrolls inside alphabetical order, "hey Starflight how do you like this school idea?" Sunny said shouting to Starflight who was all the way across the room.

       "Hey no shouting in the library" Starflight shouted back jokingly, "says you!" Sunny replied making Starflight chuckle. "I haven't heard that laugh since..." Sunny stopped not wanting to ruin the moment knowing what she said might recall bad memories for Starflight. She heard him sigh sadly and she desperately wanted to run over and hug him tightly until he felt better but she stayed put. "Sorry" Sunny said, "it's alright you didn't mean it" Starflight said and they stayed in silence for a long time. Sunny was halfway done with her pile of boxes of scrolls when Fatespeaker walked in with 4 more. "Oh hi Sunny what are you doing here?" Fatespeaker said setting down the packages near Sunny.

       "Oh hi Fatespeaker I just wanted to help out around wherever I can and since you were gone I was helping Starflight shelve these scrolls" Sunny said. "Oh well mind if I help?" Fatespeaker said, "of course once I'm done with these 3 I'm gonna help Starflight and you can do the rest. Is that alright?" Sunny said. "No do what you need to you already did more than 4 packages so it's only fair if I did the 4 I brought in while you help Starflight" Fatespeaker said with a smile. "That sounds good" Sunny said and went back to work.

Once Sunny finished she waved Fatespeaker bye and went over to where Starflight was and saw he was only halfway done with his boxes. "Need some help?" Sunny said walking over to Starflight brushing her wings with his for reassurance and to tell him she's here. "Yes I could use some. I guess even with the stones with etched words it's still hard to do this..." Starflight said trying not to cry. "You ok? You can tell me something if it's bothering you. If you want it a secret I won't tell anyone" Sunny said. She has been trying her hardest to keeep secrets and with her mental training she has the trust to keep secrets.

       "It's just that ever since I became blind I felt useless not knowing where stuff is, not being able to see new things. Not being able to see my friends again is the most heart breaking thing next to not seeing words on a scroll" Starflight said tearing up a bit. Sunny pulled him into a hug his tears falling in her shoulder, "you are not useless Starflight you are the most bravest dragon I have met. If I never met you I wouldn't know how much I love scrolls. You don't have to worry about not seeing us because just being in your life is what matters most" Sunny said with a smile. "Yeah but what if I don't see one of you guys smile or how I know what you feel without you telling me so I can help you guys. I just want my sight back so I can be myself again" Starflight said.

"You are yourself. You don't need sight to be someone. Sight is just something to make guiding your way easier. You also have other senses like touch, taste, smell, hearing, and most of all your sixth sense is your knowledge you bookworm" Sunny said with encouragement. "I guess your right. Let's go put more books away" Starflight said with a smile which made Sunny smile. "Yes sir" Sunny said playfully saluting, Starflight laughed, on the other side of the library Fatespeaker smiled at the two's close bond.

Hey guys here is my Sunnyflight fanfic, if you like it let me know, I will update this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For the people that came over from my current story that is happening I will update that on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and not Sunday because it gives us a break to relax and gives me more ideas for next chapters. So hope you have a good day and I'll see you later.
JJ out.

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