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Chapter 1 - The Princes Diamond

I stared at the map of Zahrain with contempt. I looked up at Micheal and watched as he observed me with his piercing black eyes.

His perfectly manicured finger pointed to the left side of the map, I looked at the Birdseye view of the palace on the old map.

There were fifteen entry ways and exits. Only two made it easy to get into the Princes room.

Zahrain was a small town founded by pure blood wolves when hundreds of years ago our kind was hunted for extinction by humans. We laid low on the radar of humans- many did not know our country existed, it was roughly the size of the human land known as- Alaska.

The population was estimated to be one thousand five hundred. Not including us, the rebels. There were probably two hundred of us.

"I think we should forgo using doorways" I announced, rubbing my chin speculatively. I wonder if it would be easier to climb in through a window. I considered.

"We mustn't risk exposure" said Micheal as he diligently crossed out the exits on the palace. He was excluding our routes of entry and exit.

Micheal lived in the palace over twenty years ago. He left because the King the time who was also his best friend had shunned him. Micheal had witnessed King Brent killing the poorer, ill individuals in the community. Hence the murder of my parents and my brother.

Micheal explained that the next step of the plan was to eradicate their children as we were at risk of holding the deadly traits our parents held.

King Brent pushed forward the ideology that poor people are not born into that life. It's merely laziness.

Therefore, to protect us Micheal had taken all the kids who were to be killed and we hid away in a corner of Zahrain. Throughout the years we had built a bunker in the west mountains, wherein we kept our food and water and lived.

We would regularly attend the city to gather more food. This plan, however, was far more important than simply a trip to the town to gather food. We were going to kill the Prince and steal the Princes Diamond.

Prince Zayden was the joy and happiness of Zahrain. He was also the reason fifty of our people were taken and slaughtered in the woods one month ago.

It was up until I saw the blood of the people I had grown up with, splattered all over the woods we spent our childhood playing in, that I disagreed with killing him.

I was hesitant to carry out this plan. Micheal had pushed it forward for months and I had disagreed.

I believed murder wasn't the answer, taking away someone's family like mine was ripped away? I couldn't.

Now though, I would.

We would steal the Princes diamond and use his pure blood to create a spell that would allow an endless supply of magic.

Micheal had obtained the pure blood of the King before leaving the palace therefore we would attempt to use that before we committed any crimes against the Prince.

I took a deep breath and stared at my best friend Asa "what do you suggest?" I asked.

He sighed, rubbing a hand through his thick black beard, his blue eyes stared at the map intensively.

"We should use the window leading directly to his room." He decided.

My eyes lit up "just what I was thinking" I held my left fist out, his fist connected to mine and we grinned synonymously.

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