Chapter 2 - The Hunt

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"The next time you hear it, it will be from me, my female"

                                                                              - PRINCE ZAYDEN

CHAPTER 2- The hunt

My brain instantly began to formulate escape routes. I was dragged from underneath the massive bed and pinned against the nearest wall by my neck. The weight of a heavy forearm was placed on my larynx and I felt my breathing slower. My feet were hanging a good foot off the floor.

I relaxed my body and took slow, painful breaths and I quickly gathered my escape routes. I felt nothing but fear and my hands began to shake, my eyesight began to blur.


It was clear the way I was taught to fight off being strangled was not working. I would have to fight.

I looked up at my aggressor, his bright green eyes stared back at me. I had to assess what I was up against. His green eyes were storms of fire as I felt his rage emanate from him. When our eyes met, everything froze.

I was confident in that moment the world froze for us both.

I felt everything fall into place, all the missing pieces of my life were suddenly whole. The way his face softened as he stared back showed me, he felt the same thing. I had heard of mates meeting for the first time, and it was nothing compared to what I felt.

For as long as I could remember my wolf was pacing, she was restless, and I never understood why. I tried to channel both her and my anger by running and constantly trying to be faster. That never worked and I know now that it was never meant to. My wolf was waiting for him.

I felt like I was drifting my whole life but when our gazes met, I felt something I could not comprehend. The constant feeling of loneliness and aimlessness disappeared.

His arm softened "It's you" he said with reverence, He gently removed his arm from my neck, easing the pain. He cupped my right cheek reverently. I felt my body stiffen when he touched me. The moment our skin met tingles erupted all over my body. My knees quivered unwillingly, and I had to force myself to remain against the wall. His eyes flicked all over my face as if assessing me, memorising my features. He looked enchanted by me.

I used this distraction to grab my knife from my belt-loop. I exploited this opportunity to kick him in the knee, it was impossible to consider taking him on. He was massive, his frame enveloped me hiding me from the light of the moon shining in from the window I had entered.

I clenched my fist to punch him the side of his face, his head jolted to the side and a dominant growl vibrated through the room. The oak bed shook in response and the chandelier rattled. 

Was that the window that just cracked? Or was that my knees rattling in fear?

I was terrified.

I shivered in fear, the growl commanded I bow down. I spun around and ran towards the window, which was still cracked open, I felt heavy footsteps follow me "STOP!" he roared, I heard hundreds of people running towards us. The sounds of thudding going up stairs and doors slamming causing my head to ache and my throat to dry out.

It was as if the power in his voice travelled through the land and people responded.

I let my body drop out the window and his fingers caught some wisps of my hair, I winced. I used the flight to leverage myself onto the top of the wall my wounded finger caught on some shrubbery. I jumped onto the floor the drop caused my knees to give way and I yelped. I stood up forcing my body to respond and began to race away from the palace.

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