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Chapter 4 – The Proposition

I felt my stomach shrivel up and clench as he said those words, all my life I had been offered things with a catch. I can't remember a time I was given something without a requirement for something in return, excluding Teghaen and Asa.

I closed my eyes; it was useless keeping them open. He sighed, and I felt the negativity in the air.

"You think I don't know about the full witch Teghaen?" he said, I felt my heart drop. How did he know her name, she was more discreet than me in her movements in and out of Zahrain. The fear that he knew something about her caused my heart to beat harder, it hurt how fast it was beating.

"Calm down" he said, his hand reaching inside his pocket of a protein bar. The blue wrapping was thrust in front of my face and I scrunched up my face "Eat it. Or I won't elaborate.".

I swallowed, taking the bar from him. Once I had devoured the bar after a few moments I felt the energy come back to me. I opened my eyes and saw him clearly. I was able to observe his features, his robust nose that caramel skin stretched across his incisive features. His cheeks were sharp, and his cheek bones were ones that I envied. He had thick black eyebrows and I noticed his black hair with elements of gold was longer than I remembered. I felt butterflies as his eyes scanned my face, I scowled at my body's reaction. He looked like a king, his powerful body and the muscles in his neck displayed his strength.

He smirked "Anyway," he began "I know where your little group of thieves is," I scowled at his horrible words "Teghaen and" the next word was snarled, as if he ached saying it, flickers of fire were displayed in his bright green eyes "Asa," he released a deep breath as if composing himself. Not even me. "I will leave them all untouched on one condition." he crossed his arms over his chest, now standing up. He was towering over me "You attend the school we have here, you live among us, and, if after two months you decide you don't want this life. I will let you go, no strings attached. Otherwise, you stay in this room and I'll let my father decide what to do with you." His green eyes stared at me curiously, as if wondering what my response would be.

I kept my expression monotone, my brain working at three hundred miles per minute. Would this be easier than rotting in here, would it make my life easier if I were able to gather all the information I needed. For four months, I could live amongst them and then strike when I saw fit. This would be easier than what the prince suggested, I had a time limit so once my four months was up I could leave and come back knowing the routines of every single individual in the palace, so we could strike when they were most vulnerable.

Most importantly though "How do you know about my friends?".

"Not for you to know." He raised his eyebrow and stared down at me intently "Do you agree?" he asked.

I gulped "Fine. You'll let me leave without bothering me when the times up? And I'm not confined to the walls of this palace?"

He nodded; he pressed his hand over his heart "you have my word." He promised honourably.

"I agree." I said.

He nodded and turned around "Oh by the way?" he said when he was beside the doorway "As far as everybody is concerned your not my mate." For some reason something inside me cracked at those words and I do not know why.


It was a few hours later I was transported by cautious maids who led me to a large room a king bed with four posters and netting surrounding it. It felt like it took us fifteen minutes to get this room the endless hallways made me tired and my feet began to ache maybe it was due to my lack of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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