Chapter 1

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"I'm starting to think you enjoy seeing me in pain" I wince as Joel pours the alcohol on my bloody toe.

" suck it up u big baby" he laughs, gently tapping my swollen toe with a cotton swob.

"I'll try" I mutter. I watch as his strong hands move in such a gentle way, of course I don't tell him that.

" goddamn be careful it hurts" I Yelp dramatically.

" you know it's not easy being your personal doctor all the time," he smiles.

As he finishes up he wraps my toes and puts all the tools back into the first aid kit, I watch as his face changes from playful to serious as he critics the work he just did. My leg once resting on his thigh is raised in the air.

" HEY I CANT BEND LIKE THAT THE FUCK ??" I scream as I'm practically yanked from my chair with 1 leg up in the air.

" I need to wrap it tighter," he simply says letting go of my leg gently.

" no, any tighter and my foot will start beating" I groan.

" this is good practice for me Faith" he whines.

" don't u want me to finish ?" He smirks.

" first, get god ! Second hurry this shit up you know tomorrow is my first day of senior year," I say.

" little Faith is all grown up," he places his hand on his heart pretending to reminisce.

" shut up ugly dick" I sass.

" for your information, he's quite handsome wanna see ?" He whispers.

I hate when he talks in that voice sometimes it's sexy and other times I'm too scared to even respond. The heat rushes too my brown cheeks.

" relax, hormonal teenagers are so predictable !" He chuckles. " keep dreamin Faith" he says with a little attitude

" bruh nobody wants you, are u done my Nigerian mother will murder me if I haven't boiled the rice before she gets home" I sigh.

" all good here kiddo," he says as he pats my head. Quite aggressively I might add.

" just because you're a sophomore in college doesn't make me a kid and you some adult," I say as I gather all my things.

We walk, well I limp, to his car. He insists on carrying me but I refuse because knowing Joel he won't let me forget it. He opens the passenger door and helps me in.

I put my seatbelt on and watch as he jogs around to his side.

He starts on the car and we head back to my house. He plays songs by Brent and we enjoy the car ride in silence. One we approach my house I purposely don't move.

I watch as Joel takes off the red seatbelt about to come out.

Common bitch time to suck up your pride and be courageous!

I quickly smack my hand on his chest signaling him to stop.

" Joel wait," I say not daring to look into his eyes. Just yet.

" wassup?" He questions.

" how's Luka, I mean I haven't seen you guys hangout for awhile," I ask trying not to show any emotion.

Suddenly a big smile creeps on his lips. Quite plump lips I might add.

" you still like him don't you" he teases.

" no bitch I was just wondering," I say a little to quickly.
He gives me a look that we both know means " bitch tf u lyin for??"

" ok ok I still have a tiny crush on him," I confess covering my face.

" well I think he's fine, all summer I was focused on football and he was focused on fresh pussy," he laughs. Ew.

I try not to show disgust but unfortunately I'm not very good at hiding my emotions.

" yes Faith college kids have sex" he smirks.

" do u do it?" I ask.

" do what?" He smirks.

" you know, IT!" I Force out.

"I'll let you think about it," he smirks.
Then it hit me, Joel was extremely attractive ( well to everyone and sadly some days I found him the opposite of disgusting) 6'3, very toned and quite muscular but yet lean. And, very tan, I mean the dude is part Italian so that made sense

I'm aware of the girls who throw themselves at him, and he does make dirty jokes but I mean sex. Ew.

He immediately notices I'm in deep thought and coughs. I mentally smack myself back into reality.

" done thinking?" He questions  showing me that million dollar smile with dimples.

" yea"! I mumble. Yup he's definitely got his dick wet.
Noticing the air getting quite tense I shuffle about trying to get my seatbelt off.

" thanks for the toe and the drive," I smile.

" yea no problem, let me carry you in though," he says

" no I got it," I shout as I hop to the door. Completely out of breath I turn behind me and watch as he waves then drives off.

Senior year of Highschool here I come.

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