Chapter 4

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I lay in bed unable to sleep, the same words run through my mind for the billionth time

"Ok I'll help you, but u will have to help me too"

How am I supposed to help the guy that has everything??


" so you're telling me, Maya Black, Luka James was sitting right next to you and you let some girl steal him from you," maya shouts.

" calm your tits, he was never mine to steal" I huff.

I look around the cafeteria, it's more crowded than usual today, my table is packed but not that I care, I don't really talk to the rest of the girls.

" You need to be more bold" she says rolling her eyes.

" I know I know I'm working on it," I mumble.

I pick at the nasty salad and sip on my water. Why is eating healthy ( well eating anything other than Ramen cup noodles) so hard..

" you're lucky you have Joel, so many seniors tried to get into that party" she grins.

" he was just doing me a favor" I smile. Her smile is contagious.

"Hmm and did u return the favor" she smirks wiggling her brows.

" don't be gross ," I laugh.

"What? You've never had dirty thoughts about him, because I can assure you every girl has" she teases.

" why don't you go for him then" I sass.

" oh please we all know he's too focused on his future to notice any of us, except you of course" she sighs

" well it's not that great having his attention, he treats me like a damn child" I groan

" maybe because he sees you as one" she jokes.

A part of me believes it too.

" ok I got to go, my AP physics homework won't do itself"

And with that I leave and continue the rest of the day.


While helping my mom cook rice, I head my phone vibrate.

I'm outside- Joel

Doesn't this dude have college ??

I turn on the rice cooker and head outside. I meet Joel leaning against his car.

When I come outside he seems to be I deep thought. I watch as his thick dark browns come together in a frown.

" boo!" I shout.

" ahh u scared me" he playfully rolls his eyes.

He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his very toned chest. His cologne fills my nostrils and I take one more inhale before I let go.

"How's school?" He asks casually.

"Fine, I finally finished my essay," I smile.

"Good I was getting worried, don't you wanna spend more time with me next year?" He smirks

I pretend to be disgusted. " oh god no," I gag.

He playfully smacks my head " shut up kid".

"Anyway I was came to town to see mama Joel and eat" he says.

" so you are just going to drive 6 hours to eat" I laugh

" yes." He shrugs.

It's time to rip of that band aid and ask Faith !

"What did you mean at the party about us helping each other." I say looking everywhere but him.

A smirk forms on his lips and I stare a little too long at his dimples

" well you want Luka, so I'm going to help you" he grins.

" how.." I ask warily.

"Knowing Luka he likes experienced girls, no offense, and your lack of would make the dude run for the hills" he says simply.


He notices my face expression before I do.

" I'm not tryna hurt you're feelings I just think you should know the game before you play," he sighs.

" so what you're going to teach me things?" I question.

" yes, and during each lesson will we go over a specific topic" he says

" ok things like wha?" I ask nervously.

" things your mom should never know about" he says, this time he's standing a little too close and basically towering over me.

I refuse to look up at those intense brown eyes.

" ok and what do you get out of it?" I shyly ask.

"you are going to help me with my homework, basketball season is coming up and I could really use the help" he says shortly.

I step back to create some distance, maybe that will help me think better.

I pretend to be in some thought trying to figure out a decision but I already knew. Yes.

" okay Joel you've got a deal," I bring out my right hand for him to shake in agreement.

He chuckles and does the same " deal".

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