you are my sociopath p1

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Sbw: hi again UwU
Jay: Why did you bring me here
Sbw: because this is my second ship and I told you to shut up
Daniel: Sbw don't tell my boyfriend to shut up
Sbw: oh so he is your boyfriend new
Daniel:*blush* n-no h-he n-not I-I
d-didn't m-mean t-that
Sbw: yeah sure you didn't"mean" that anyway, this chapter Jay x Daniel enjoy this story

In the morning
Daniel POV: "ugh why can I stop thinking about Jay ugh, "I said when I bend my head into the wall"Daniel the reason is you can't stop thinking about Jay because you have a crush on him," hosuh said "what Dan you're gay" Stephen ask he look like he was about to laugh "WHAT NO WAY I'M NOT GAY AND I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON SOCIOPATH" I shout at them "whoa chillax I was just asking jazz," Stephen said and hosuh nodded "I'm sorry I just got angry, "I said I feel bad for screaming at my friends "that's sad that you don't have a crush on me I was hoping that we can get together and have fun," someone said and I recognize that voice "Jay did you hear everything!!!"I was shocked
How long he was staying how much did he hear "oh hi Jay nice to see you again, "hosuh said with a smile "what's up Jay, "Stephen said giving jay a high-five "hey guys, and yes I hear everything that you guys said," he said with a smirk oh no what should I do he hear everything should I tell him I was joking no he will thing that I like him should I try to avoid I blush around him I get nervous and I always get flustered around him yeah I should avoid him it's going to be hard but I'll try "uhh hey guys I'm going to go to my house bye," I said when I walk out the door "wait for you not going to stay and play games with us" Stephen ask "no sorry I'm tired of working so bye, "I said
Jay POV: it has been 5 years since Daniel has talked to me he has been avoid me I was trying to talk to him he walk away trying to get him to talk to me he run away he always talked to Stephanie,hosuh and everyone else but every time I go to them he get out of there "what's wrong with Daniel he has been avoid for the past 5 years no matter what I do he still hasn't talking to me" I said to Stephanie and hosuh " you do got a point we have seen him avoid you you try to talk to him he walks away you try to get near him he run away and when he's around us he's normal" hosuh said "yeah I  agreed maybe he doesn't want you to get near him" Stephen said when eating his Burger "yeah I guess you were right" I said in a sad tone and then I saw him to the window "I have to go"I get up "what's wrong"hosuh ask me "I have enough of this I'm going to talk to him no matter what"I said in a angry tone "DANIEL WE NEED TO TALK" I shout at him he run away to his apartment and I chasing after him lucky for me I was fast enough to catch him but he made it to his apartment he was about to close the door when I stop it " ah j-jay n-nice t-to s-see y-you a-again" daniel stuttered "don't put that hi nice to see you again on me why have you been avoid me for the past 5 years" I ask him I need to know why has he avoid me why he's keep running away from me always hide from me he said nothing "well ANSWER ME"I scream at him "find I given in the reason why I have been avoid you because I love you Jay I love you since I realize I have a crush on you that's why I'm really sorry please don't hate me I just wanted you to love me back" Daniel said in a sad tone I just can't believe it he loves me and................................................................. I kiss him he's lips feel warm I couldn't help he love me and I'm happy about that "mmmm" I hear a moan did he moan because it was  cute "I love you too will you go on a date with me" I ask him looking at his green eyes "yes I will" he says yes will I guess we are going to the date tomorrow"
To be continued
Sbw: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I want to say thank you to redbutterfly36 for helping me with some pots see you in the next chapter bye
Daniel: bye everyone doesn't forget to wear your mask and wash your hands
Jay: bye

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