you are my rock star p2

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Sbw: hello everyone
Spencer: hi
Billy: what's up
Spencer: I just can't believe that you can make Billy alive
Sbw: this is my book after all I can make this happen
Billy: thank you *whispers* can you put smut I want him so bad
Sbw:*whispers* sure thing but you have to pay
Billy: ugh fine here you go 💵
Sbw: okay you got it

In the morning Sunday (I'm lazy)
Spencer POV: ugh I hate mornings especially on Mondays good thing that's today Saturday "good morning babe" Billy said oh he's awake wait did he just call me babe we're not a couple I met him on Monday and he lives with me he's a famous rock star "good morning but why did you call me babe?" I ask I was confused he is straight, is he? I know that I'm gay no one knows but my friends do "I thought it will be cute to call you that~~~"he answer I blush "shall we go downstairs to eat breakfast "Billy said I nodded we went downstairs and he cook us breakfast "I didn't know you can't cook"I ask "my mom teach me how to cook when I was 8" he said in a sad tone "may I ask what happened to your mom"I said "she...... Died in a car accident when I was 12" he said when he place the food on the table "I'm sorry happened to your mother I feel the same if my mom died" I feel so sorry for him he lost his mother and be by yourself when is no one there feel hoppers feel loss "it's fine at least she's in heaven safe and sound"he said "mmm it tastes good"it tastes like heaven in my mouth "thank you I glad you love it oh there's something in your face let me wipe it off"he lick the syrup off of my face I blush "Mmm~~" did I just moan "do you just moan" he ask I had nothing to say I was embarrassed I didn't know what to do I moan in front of he now he knows I'm gay this is not good "it was cute can you do it again"Billy said he did not find disgusting he's gay too!!!! "Maybe this can help" he bites my neck "mmmm b-billy mmm"I moan
No ones POV:"let's take this to your room"Billy said and he carry Spencer bride style went to Spencer's room "w-what m-maybe w-we c-can s-slow i-it d-down"Spencer stuttered "too late"Billy said when he put Spencer on the bed and put him down "I wonder when you look like undress" Billy said when he began to take off spencer's he's clothes "w-what a-are y-you d-doing"Spencer stuttered again he doesn't know what billy doing "you look so beautiful when you undress even your dick" Billy look at Spencer's body look smooth and soft he began lick Spencer's chest "mmm b-billy ahhh~~"spencer moan when Billy lick his nipples "mmm your moan sounds like music to my ears" Billy said he loves it sounds amazing cute and he wants more billy put on a finger inside of spencer "ahhhhh b-billy t-take o-out p-please ahhh" Spencer moan Billy put another finger in Spencer moan loud and Billy he put three more finger "ahhhhh mmmm"spencer moan even loud "it feels good does it" Billy said he took out his fingers and put his dick in "ahhhhhhhh BILLY ahhhh FASTER ahhhhhh"Spencer scream in pleasure
Billy was faster and harder "ugh you so tight~~" Billy groaned "b-billy I-i'm c-close ahhhh"Spencer cum on his and billy chest and Billy cum inside Spencer "I-I l-love y-you b-billy," Spencer said when catching his breath "I too let's clean up here Billy said and Spencer nodded
To be continued
Sbw: oh no everyone has a good day I seen you all in this chapter bye I need to go now before I die
Sbw: Ahhhhhhhh please send help

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