Tears and Rain

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Lou's POV:

I don't know what had come over her but it was not good and she really needs to control her anger. I told one of the teachers to watch my class for 2 minutes whilst I went to go and find Debbie.

After looking everywhere in the school, I remembered that she smoked so she was probably outside. As I pulled my blazer around me, I shivered, but continued to make my way down the front steps.

I saw her leaned up against a wall with a cigarette placed between her lips, completely unaware of my presence.

"Those will kill you one day." I said with a smile. She jumped and shook her head. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I was stood next to her now, underneath the roof that was edged out to block the rain.

"It's fine it's fine" she mumbled before looking at me with a small smirk. "And regarding your first remark- what if I actually wanna die?" She raised an eyebrow as if she was challenging me.

"Please don't say that." I frowned at her. She softened a little bit and sighed. "Sorry, I'm just used to joking around about my problems with Tammy and what not." She shook her head and chuckled before carrying on with her thoughts.

"What happened earlier with that Brett kid or whatever his name was?" i questioned curiously.

"Trent. He's the schools biggest dickhead and he's bullied me ever since i was a kid. I got pissed off because no one knows I'm gay and if they do they've either kept it lowkey or blabber mouthed to someone and Trent found out. I know Tammy wouldn't do that because shes been there and understands it and it pissed me off even more when you sent us both out when I was just trying to get him to shut his fucking mouth, i mean did you hear what he called me? You must know what it feels like to be called that? I so badly want to come out but because of people like him, I can't. Shit, I'm sorry." She sniffed and looked away.

"I'm sorry I sent you out but I had to because the snark reply back to him. Yes I know how it feels to be called that, so I totally understand your hurt about what he said but I will definitely make sure he gets punished far worse, but I'm really sorry but I'll have to give you a lunchtime detention and you don't even have to stay the entire time." i smiled weakly pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Fine whatever" she mumbled as she rolled her eyes and turned to go back inside and as i followed her i said "another thing, i also want to take you to the nurses office to get your hand checked out and to get some ice for it."

her eyes lingered on me for a moment and I couldn't make out what her expression was. God she was so pretty. Stop Lou, you can't think like that. Jesus, what was wrong with me?

"I'm sure it'll be fine, you don't have to worry" she mumbled, brushing it off. "If it gets worse i can take myself to the nurses office." She walked off before I could say anything to her. This morning she seemed totally fine and now she was being a total bitch just because I was trying to help her.

I sighed and took off back to my classroom and Sandra was back in her seat and acting like nothing had happened. I sat at my desk and my eyes lingered on her and she must've realised I was staring because her eyes locked mine for a second.

It's my first day and I can't even control my thoughts or my students.

A/N- i'm planning on taking this a little slower than i've seen some txs books written so it might take a few chapters before anything major happens. hope you don't mind.

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