the Truth Holiday Spirit

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Carlton Lassiter: All right, fellas, what do we got here? You know, Drake... technically, Jesus was born around April, so we need to get rid of this winter foliage. Oh, and Finn, the word "manger" actually refers to the wooden feeding trough that the animals used, so let's put baby Jesus in this little shot glass.

Juliet O'Hara: Uh... Carlton?

Carlton Lassiter: You know, based on how far they had to travel, all the experts agree that the Wise Men didn't really get there until Jesus was two, so let's get rid of them.

Juliet O'Hara: Uh... uh, Carlton Carlton Lassiter: All right, fellas, what do we got here? You know, Drake... technically, Jesus was born around April, so we need to get rid of this winter foliage. Oh, and Finn, the word "manger" actually refers to the wooden feeding trough that the animals used, so let's put baby Jesus in this little shot glass.

Juliet O'Hara: Uh... Carlton?

Carlton Lassiter: You know, based on how far they had to travel, all the experts agree that the Wise Men didn't really get there until Jesus was two, so let's get rid of them.

Juliet O'Hara: Uh... uh, Carlton? Remember, this is for the *children*?

Carlton Lassiter: Right. Let's do one with Santa in it. Hand me Kris Kringle there, guys.

Juliet O'Hara: That's a great idea!

Carlton Lassiter: You know, interestingly enough, the Dutch version of Santa used slaves to deliver the toys.

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