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Aren't you supposed to be filled with love, happiness, and excitement when it's Christmas morning?
So why do I feel so empty, hollow, and bare?
Isn't it supposed to be the most happiest time of the year?
So why do I feel the opposite of this so called "happiness"?
I heard that fathers dress like Saint Nick so their children believe.
Did my father get the wrong house for I see no Saint Nick.
Isn't Christmas supposed to be spent with family?
Then why am I thousands of miles from mine?
So many questions I have but they're left unanswered.
Is this why I'm called Scrooge behind my back?
Because I never got the chance to experience what Christmas is truly about?
Because I'm alone on Christmas?
Because I don't sing carols or decorate the Christmas Tree?
If I'm Scrooge then why has no one cared to show me what I'm missing?
Am I not worth the bother?
To even say Merry Christmas to me is a waste of breath to you.
So, I will carry on being Scrooge.

Author's Note:
I don't have that bold letter option thing so I'm stuck with this. I thought I post this since it's Christmas. I thought this poem might apply to you and it somewhat applies to me too so it's not completely a lie. For those who don't get wished Merry Christmas...I wish you a big MERRY CHRISTMAS because you are worth it and even if I don't you, I know that me saying this might mean something to you. I do this because there of lots of people alone on Christmas and maybe even all year long and you don't deserve to be should be with people you love or with people who love you. I hope everyone has a very good Christmas and a happy new year! 😊

Another Author's Note:

Okay, I know it's not Christmas anymore but Wattpad is finally letting me publish this draft(sigh) so here it is! (:

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