1: How You Met

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How you meet:

(A/N: Y/N= your name, Y/F/N= your first name, Y/L/N= your last name)


It was sophomore year. It was your first day at Beacon Hill High, and although you hadn't even been there for five minutes, you could already tell that today wasn't going to be your day.

You groaned as your locker wouldn't open after the seventh time you tried the combination.

"Need some help?" You turned to your left to see a tall boy with shaggy brown hair and the most adorable brown eyes you had ever seen.

You nod, "Uh, yeah, that would be great, thanks." You state your combination and with a swift movement, he opens it effortlessly on his first try. "How did you-" you began, only to be interrupted.

"Don't ask, because I don't really have an answer," he laughed. "I'm Scott. Scott McCall." He extended his arm for you to shake, and you gladly accepted.

"(Y/F/N). (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)."


It was just another day in Pre-K, coloring in a coloring book. You were not very good at staying inside the lines.

A boy you hadn't seen before walks up to you and watches you. "You're not staying inside the lines," he stated matter-of-factly.

You instantly liked this boy. Maybe not as more than a friend at that age, but friendly feelings developed into something more as the years went on.


It happened in freshman year. Your parents were yelling at each other yet again, and you decided you needed some time alone, to clear your mind.

You just wandered in the woods, not knowing (or caring) where you were going.

You heard something. At first it was distant, but it became louder, signaling that it was coming closer. You gasped as you saw the silhouette of an animal figure running towards you.

Your mind was telling you to move but you couldn't. Right when you thought you were dead meat, you were pushed out of the way.

Your uneven breaths slowly found a steady pace again. A male with stubble and piercing green eyes examined you. "Oh my God. Thank you so much. How can I-?" you were cut off.

"You don't have to repay me, (Y/N)." You thought it was weird that he'd known your name, since this was the first time you'd ever seen him and you hadn't mentioned it.

"The name's Derek Hale, sweetheart." And with that, he walked off, leaving you wondering about him.


Alright, this is my first time doing preferences, but lately I've been obsessed with Teen Wolf so why not??

Anyways, I'm just going to start off with the three I feel most comfortable with: Scott, Stiles, and Derek. If you want me to add any character, just comment or PM me, and I will be sure to add them.

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