Chapter 5: Touch

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Reaper and Error sat in the waiting room.

Error was glitching so badly to had to re-boot at least two times. His mom kept checking on him then disappearing with a doctor.

A skeleton dressed in colorful clothing was in the car with them. He hadn't said anything when Reaper was in the car or now. He was just staring at nothing or something since Reaper couldn't see as he had glasses on.

He guessed this was Fresh, Geno's other brother.

Reaper felt at least a dozen times that Geno's life slipping. He had to stay calm though. If he freaked out or got too emotional his aura would just make it worse.

"So, you are that rad broski that came and cheered big bro up here last week?!" Reaper flinched so hard he nearly fell off his chair. Fresh stared in Reaper's direction with a smile on. (I am terrible at Fresh talk!!!)

His sunglasses had the word Yo-Lo on it. It didn't earlier "uh...yeah? I meant Geno last week in the hospital if that's what you mean?" Reaper said unsure.

Fresh nodded "Dat's what I asked bro, so what's a wiggly rad bro like yourself doing on up in here? especially with your un-rad powers?" Fresh smiled.

Reaper sweated a bit. "I am calm and I want to be here for Geno" Reaper said. Fresh nodded "that's okay my radical broski! just be careful"

"dUll' shaNk' yoU are mAking Geno sIcker bY beiNg arOund hiM!!!" Error yelled. "Momma not going to be too happy with you saying that Error bro," Fresh said still smiling.

Error flipped the middle finger at him "I Do noT carE!!! DeaTh heRe iS baD foR Geno, IF I cOuld punCh yoU I wouLd!!" Error yelled. Reaper looked down, was his curse affecting Geno?

Reaper stood up and walked away. Maybe making some distance will help. He wondered the hospital for a bit. Until he found himself by Life's door, heh.

He knocked.

"Come in" Life called.

Reaper walked in. "Reaper!! what are you doing here, I thought you went home?" Life ran up to him. Reaper looked down "I didn't, I came here with a friend's parent," Reaper said. "why? what happened, when you called you sounded so scared"

"My friend, he started to cough up blood at school," Reaper said. Life gasped. "He was rushed here, I went with them"

Life nodded "where is his room?" She asked sternly. "Room 247, but why?"

Life left her office. Reaper followed her confused.

When the came back to the waiting area outside Geno's room. Error was standing by the door Fresh didn't move and their mom was pacing.

"Excuse me, are you Geno After's mother?" Life asked. The woman turned to Life and gasped. She nodded.

Life smiled kindly at her "Reaper here told me what happened, I want to help" she said. Their mom shook her head "I couldn't, I wouldn't have the money for it" she said sadly.

Life shook her head "no charge" Life went into the room, their mom following.

Reaper stood they're a bit relieved. Life has always was good with life. Her healing is the most advance and best in the world.

"How do you know Dr.Life?" Error asked. Fresh smiled over at him, his sunglasses show instead of Yo-Lo, it said Ho-w?

Reaper sighed "Life is my care-taker, she has been watching over me for most of my life," Reaper said crossing his arms. Error was surprised.

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