Chapter 5

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So I realized I posted 2 chapters in one chapter sorry about that (sweat drops) but here's chapter 5 anyway.

Pic of Sound Ninja^^

Chapter 5

"Where in the hell is Naruto?" I ask Sasuke. Three days ago Tsunade established a three man squad to go find the other tailed beasts. I guess a new enemy is rising and he's trying to get the tailed beasts but who's his or her partner that they were trying to call out.

"I don't know he should of been here ugh he's such a dobe." Sasuke says with a sigh. We been waiting for Naruto for three hours. If we didn't need him I would of left but I guess he has to come because he is a jinchūriki, but it'll be fun to see how strong he had gotten since I left that day. But I'm one as well, what if they find out will they try to kill me just lik-

"Guys sorry I'm late!" Naruto yells as he cuts me off my thoughts. He runs towards us with a wide open grin. He stops in front of us holding what seems to be a piece of directions from the Hokage. It shows what villages we go through first. It seems the Hidden Sand Village was first.

"Alright let's go we wasted enough time already." I say to my two partners as I look at Naruto when I said we wasted enough time. He lifts his hands up in a defensive matter showing he was sorry.


"So Tsukiko you said you were from the village which clan are you originally from?" Naruto asks me. We been running for 6 hours, now seeing the desert we decided to take a break and get prepare for the deadly sandstorms and hot heat waves. I never been anywhere else beside the Hidden Cloud and Leaf Villages, so seeing sand will be my first.

"Hmph why would you like to know?" I answer back with my own question. It was really sad that they really forgot about me, I guess after the massacre they just forgot about me and carried on with their lives. He gives me a look and starts to open his mouth but he's interrupted by a sudden noise from around the trees we had set up around. Sasuke close his eyes and open them to reveal his Sharingan. Naruto stands up quickly performing a set of hand signs, to summon three more clones of himself.

"We know you're there so why don't you come out or we will attack with force." Sasuke says with a threat full tone. I slowly take out my katanas waiting for anything to happen. For 5 minutes there was no response just the wind rustling the leaves. Then 5 kunai shoots out of no where heading to our direction.

I deflect two kunai, causing them to cling with one of my katanas, making them hit the ground. Sasuke just disappears and reappear somewhere else, Naruto and his clones deflect the kunai with their own set of kunai. 6 Sound Ninja jump out of the trees behind us, with kunai in their hands.

"Ha this will be fun we all get two." Naruto says with a huge grin. Two ninja run towards him with their kunai ready. Naruto dodges the kunai as the Sound Ninja swiped at Naruto's head. A clone Naruto jumps from behind of Naruto and kicks the Sound Ninja in the face. He falls to the ground, with both of the Narutos laughing. He sure haven't change, still goofy and full of energy.

"Hn don't get caught up in the action or you'll get yourself killed Dobe." Sasuke says to Naruto as he blocks a chakra filled punch with his katana. Sasuke changed a lot since we were younger he use to smile, but I guess losing your love ones can change you. The flesh hits the metal causing the ninja to stumble backwards holding his wounded hand. The ninja's partner comes from behind of Sasuke for a sneak attack, but Sasuke sticks his katana behind him stabbing the ninja in the stomach.

"These guys are good, but not better than me." I say to myself. I punch the ninja in the jaw, he tried to ambushed me with his partner with a barrage of kunai. But due to my great skills of wielding a katana I deflected the kunai back to them, thus killing his partner. The ninja I punched falls to the ground. I run after him and lift him in the air with drips of blood escaping his mouth.

"Who sent you?" I ask the dying shinobi. He looks at me and chuckle. It seems he doesn't want to negotiate with, so I asked again. He spits his disgusting blood at me, causing me to lose a little bit of my anger. I close my eyes, only to reveal them again showing my Sharingan. I concentrated really hard to put him in a genjutsu. His eyes turns white and I drop him on the ground.

"Have fun dying over and over again you bastard." I spit at the lifeless body. I turn my head around and watch as Naruto finish off his enemy with a Rasengan. I'm impress he knows that high-class jutsu, but I recall the late 4th Hokage and late Jiraya only knew that jutsu. I guess it's more to these guys than I have predicated meeting them once again.

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