The Comic Con

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Dewey was absolutely lost.

Everywhere he looked, he was surrounded by merchandise from random companies, comics and graphic novels, and unfamiliar faces. Where was Frida? How did he get separated from her in the first place?

He asked passing nerds if they had seen anyone who looked like Frida, but no one wanted to respond.

He checked his phone. It was dead. Dang it.

Tears began welling up in his eyes, but he covered his face; he wouldn't let total strangers see him cry in public.

"Hey, little buddy, are you lost?" someone asked.

Dewey looked up and saw a young man looking at him.

"Yeah," Dewey said. "I'm looking for my aunt."

"Aunt, huh? What'd she look like?"

Dewey described Frida and the man looked around. He led him through a crowd of people cosplaying as Parks and Recreation characters. Many people stopped chattering and looked at the man in awe.

"It's him!" they muttered. "He's here!"

"Why were all those people so excited to see you?" Dewey asked the man.

"Well, I'm an actor. People love me."

Some of the cosplayers followed Dewey and the man, making Dewey feel a little uncomfortable.

"Listen, I think I'll just find my aunt on my own," he said.

"No, no, no," the man said, looking to his right and heading in that direction. "I think we're almost there."

Sure enough, Frida was pacing around a little table while Huey and Louie tried telling her to sit down. Frida noticed Dewey, and she hugged him tightly.

"Dewey, don't wander off again! I was so worried!"

Dewey turned around to thank the man, but he had already disappeared. Frida stopped hugging him and showed him the stuff she had bought.

"I got some Darkwing comics for you," she said. "I think that's when we noticed you weren't near us anymore."

A picture fell out from her bag. Dewey picked it up and looked at it.

It appeared to be of Frida, Huey, Louie, and the man. A signature in scribbly writing was in the lower right hand corner, but Dewey figured it looked like it said "Ben," but he couldn't figure out the last name.

"That's why this guy knew where you were," Dewey mumbled. "You passed by him."

"Yeah," Frida said, leading the boys out of the convention center. "He's very nice, and he's one of my favorite actors of all time. It's lucky he found you, or you might've been stuck in there forever."

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