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Louie sat up in his bed, breathing hard. Had that just been a dream, or was it...real?

He got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and looked around for something to eat or drink.

"Something wrong, Lou-Lou?" a voice asked.

He jumped back, startled. Frida was standing in the doorway, looking terribly ill.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Louie hissed. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, Dew--Louie. Ugh, my head hurts and I can't think straight. Anyway, why are you awake? It's 1 in the morning."

"I just need a snack or something."

He took out a can of Pep from the fridge and was about to open it when Frida's hands glowed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Using my magic to make me feel better. And to make that can impossible to open. Soda has caffeine in it, you'll only feel more awake."

"Well, maybe I don't want to go back to sleep. I don't want to."

"Why not?"


"Come on, you can tell me."

He ignored her, and attempted to open his soda. The tab refused to budge.

"Fine, if you really want to know...I saw Anise in my dream."

Frida's eyes widened.

"Is that a problem?" Louie asked, tossing the can to the side.

"Not really, unless she's a Runestone, which I highly doubt she was. Some Runestones have dream-altering powers when they're alive. When they die, they can travel around in people's dreams. So, whether you met them or not, they could appear. Has she been in any more of your dreams?"

"A few... Maybe it's just coincidence?"

"I hope so. But...since I've never known her when she was around, I don't know. Anyway, I think we should go back to bed. I'm feeling sick, and you're probably very tired."

Louie went back up to bed, but he wasn't feeling tired. He remembered that he was very close to Anise when she was here, but now...he didn't feel like he wanted to see her anymore. Her sudden appearances startled him, and whenever she did appear, something bad usually happened later. He remembered when she had first disappeared and he was sick the next day after meeting her in his dream.

What if Frida was right? What if Anise had magic?

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He would ask Frida his questions in the morning.

Louie sat in the center of a field of carnations. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw...her.

"Llewellyn, do you want to come with me?" she asked.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't feel like it."

She sat down next to him.

"Don't you love me anymore? I thought we were perfect for each other."

"Anise, can I ask you something?"

"I guess--"

"Do you have magic?"

Anise sighed, then froze in her spot. She looked worriedly towards her right, and suddenly disappeared. Louie then figured it was stupid of him to ask something like that; this was a dream, after all. Anything's possible here.

Although, she did dodge the question...Maybe because he wanted her to go, or he wanted to believe she did have magic...

He might never find out anything more about Anise. And maybe he preferred it that way...

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