To sleep forever...

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Louie walked slowly back to his apartment, with his hands in his hoodie pocket. Everywhere he looked, he saw young happy couples either holding hands or carrying small children. It made him devastated.

Although, technically, Lou wasn't a child anymore. She should've turned 23 4 months ago. Still, she was his only baby, and always would be.

Seeing all these happy couples only reminded him of how his relationship was shattered horrendously by the simple loss of half a twin set. Surely, something like that would've brought them closer, to protect the remaining half together.

He went into his apartment and began taking out an easel, canvas, and watercolors. He quickly painted out a lake, with a young girl looking at her reflection and seeing himself. He gave her a necklace with the initials LD.

Since he filled up all the space on his desk, he took up painting. Most of the pieces involved this young girl and he would often hide a doodle of himself around the scene.

He stood up from where he sat, and almost fell back; he felt extremely light-headed. Maybe he had stood up a little too fast.

He felt a pain in his chest that he couldn't quite place. He drank a bit of water, but it was kind of hard to swallow, and the pain didn't stop. He assumed it was just his usual heartache from missing Fey and Lou, but then the pain got worse.

He realized this wasn't his usual heartache; this was a heart attack. He made a move to speed-dial his doctor, but stopped himself.

For the past couple of decades, he had lived miserably. A single man who lost the woman he loved and the child they had. She was still an illegitimate child, too; Louie was going to marry Fey before Lou hatched, and it just never happened. All this time, he hadn't felt happy once, not even when he gained another billion from a discovery of precious metals in a mine near St. Canard.

Why should he save himself? Why should he do anything anymore?

He dropped the phone on the ground, and felt the pain begin to fade. He yanked a small necklace off and threw it across the room. That necklace had been given to him when he and Fey first met.

"Good-bye, Lou-Ellen," he said, before finally falling to the floor.

It's been said that there's an afterlife. Sure enough, Louie woke up surrounded by nothing but white space. Out of thin air appeared his younger self from 50 long years ago.

"Why are we here?" he asked.

"Because we're dead."

"60 years is all we get?"

"It's all we needed. What's the point in living longer? Fey and Lou are gone forever. Lou doesn't even remember me. Why carry on feeling miserable?"

"So, now what?"

"We just stay here. Because we're sleeping forever."

Younger Louie held onto his hand, and together, they walked in who knows what direction, and faded away forever.

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