You're my hero (part 2)

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Donald walked into the kitchen and found Frida talking to the boys and Webby.

"Hey, what's going on?" he said, grabbing his usual mug of coffee.

"Frida was just telling us about how she was saved by a superhero last night!" Dewey said excitedly.

Donald dropped his mug, and it shattered.

"Donald!" Frida exclaimed, sweeping up the pieces of mug. "Why'd you do that?"

"Sorry, it just sounds so...ridiculous."

"Gizmoduck's a superhero," Huey said. "How would this be any different?"

"I mean, he is, but not a very good one."

"Sure, but he's still learning," Frida said. "I'm sure he'll get the hang of it eventually."

"So, what happened after this 'Duck Avenger' saved you?" Dewey asked.

"He left, really. Nothing more he could do for me, right? I just went home after."

"What does he look like?"

Frida took out a piece of paper and showed them one of her drawings, but before the kids could properly see it, Donald snatched it out of her hands.

"Donald! What the heck?!"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, holding the paper over his head.

"No, give that back!"

"I need to talk to you, privately. Then, I'll give it back."

He led her away from the kids into the living room. They sat on the couch, and Donald sighed.

"You can't be telling anyone else about the Duck Avenger. They'll just...find out who he really is."

"It's you, isn't it?"


"You're the Duck Avenger. You both have the same kind of frickin' hat, for Pete's sake."

"Ugh, yes, I'm the Duck Avenger, now will you shut up about it?! It's important that I keep my identity a secret. Otherwise, you're all in danger."

"Fine, I won't talk about it anymore. Now, can I have my drawing back?"

Donald gave her the paper. She smoothed it out before putting it away in her shirt pocket and going back into the kitchen with the kids.

"Sorry, but Donald has asked if I don't talk about the Duck Avenger anymore," she told them.

"Why not?" Dewey asked.

"Because he doesn't like him. He...had a bad experience with him once."

"Oh, okay."

The children left the room with disappointed looks on their faces. Donald walked in as they left and he gave Frida a kiss on her cheek.

"How long do you think he's been the Duck Avenger?" Dewey asked his brothers and Webby.

"Before we were born, maybe?" Huey suggested as he searched through the internet. "Or, perhaps, this is a new thing?"

"He can't have been a superhero for that long...right?"

Huey turned his tablet towards the group. The screen bore articles going back a little under a decade talking about the Duck Avenger's acts of good.

"God, how many other secrets has Uncle Donald been keeping from us?" Dewey mumbled.

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