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        Have you ever stargazed? Have you ever taken a real hard look at the millions of tiny stars? You know, the number of stars you see depends on how much light there is. The less light, the more stars you see. Try it sometime, you'll see how beautiful it is.
Stars are breath-taking. But space also has beautiful planets. There's a planet I'll bet you've never heard of. It's called Elementia. It's easy to identify, as it's the only multi-colored planet.

      Elementia has its own inhabitants. Yes, aliens. They're nothing like humans.  First of all, they have wildly colored skin. Some have a light orange, others may have a soft purple, a soft green, or even a light blue. That's not all. They not only have oddly colored skin but also eyes and hair. The colors consist of orange, green, purple and blue.

    The biggest difference between these people and humans are their abilities. Each person is born with a category; Water, Earth, Air, or Fire. The category someone has dictates what they look like, what they can do, and (believe it or not) who they can be around. The category Water controls water from little puddles to oceans. Air can control the wind. Earth can control plants and soil. Fire can control fire and heat.

    The reason these inhabitants can only be around their own category dates back to the earliest record of people living in Elementia. It's the earliest written record Elementia has.

    "There's eighty people living here, in total. Twenty in each category. There used to be more. We learned an odd but helpful thing, two years ago. It's the reason categories can't be around each other.

    Let's say, two categories, Fire and Water, started talking. Say, they started walking and talking. Then by accident, one bumps the other's shoulder. He apologizes and they move on, continuing to walk. Later, both of them are going to have an itch in their shoulders, where they bumped into each other. It's going to itch for a day, at least. By the next day, it's going to burn hard, like a sting.

    By the next two days, the spot where they bumped is going to be a different color. For the Fire, it will be blue. For the Water, it will be red. They will both be limp and weak and hardly able to move. Everything's going to be either extremely hot or extremely cold. Then, by the next day, they will be dead.

    That's what happened to all the rest. There used to be 200 of us. Luckily, we took precautions quickly. Everyone has their category and cannot, for the life of them, interact with anyone outside of that category. All it takes is one measly shoulder bump. One high-five.

My pal, Frank, has been teaching the townspeople how to write. I, too, have been one of his students. Since I was the best doctor to try and cure some of those infected patients, Frank thought it'd be a good idea for me to record it. And, quite frankly, I agree with him."

Bill Williams, Wind Doctor."

    This is the reason why the government of Elementia separated the categories- for fear of their people dying. Everyone thinks the government of Elementia is mysterious and serious, but everything the government does is in favor of their people. Most people wonder about the government and their rules, but they comply, anyway. There are few who take matters into their own hands. Almost all of the few, die in the end result. Almost all of the few.

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