Chapter 1

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Everyone in the classroom has a role, whether they know it or not. There's always different kinds of roles, like the funny guy, or the teacher's pet, or the quiet one. I would call myself the quiet one. Others may slightly disagree. I think they would say I am "intimidating."

I think I could see how one might mistake me as intimidating. I slouch in class, kick my feet up a little, never speak, and always have the same resting face. I think all my classmates are afraid of me. I know they spread rumors about me to make themselves feel good.

Of course, all the rumors are false. Though, I never say anything about them. I never say anything at all. Except to my one friend, Agni. We've been friends since middle school. The reason I never say anything about those rumors is because, whether or not I like it, I have a reputation to uphold.

One day, all that changed. And it started with a simple science class. It was right in the middle of the school year. There were no warnings to show how drastically everything would change from that day forward. I came in, just before the bell, as I always do. I sat in the middle seat of the back row, as always.The teacher, Mr. Hale, had given up a month ago on getting me to participate in class.

"Ashley?" Mr. Hale asked for attendance. I winced. No one ever called me "Ashley." Not even my parents. Not even my teachers. He was the only one to ever call me by my full name.

I looked at him in response, my usual way of saying, "Here."

"Ok, she's here," Mr. Hale mumbled to himself. I started to relax, knowing I would not have to say anything for the whole class. I kicked up my legs and leaned lower in my chair. I was paying attention to Mr. Hale's lesson on physics.

All was going as it usually went. Everyone was paying attention or fidgeting with something. Everyone was doing what they always do. Except for one guy. Caspian. He was doing something different.

I know about a lot of people. Caspian was a popular Water category. He played sports and had popular Water friends. He was in my science class. He was what you might call a 'jock.' In class, he normally doodled on his textbook.

Only, today was different. Today, Caspian was staring straight at me. At first, I wasn't sure if he was looking at me. So, I checked around me. No one else seemed to have noticed Caspian's weird move. They didn't care.

"Maybe he's not looking at me," I thought to myself. "Maybe he's zoned and happened to be looking at me. Or maybe he's looking at something behind me."

Even so, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Nothing like this had ever happened before. "If he is staring at me, it must be embarrassing that I've realized it. I'll give him a chance to look away." I thought. I looked over at Mr. Hale's corny "You can do it!" poster and inspected every detail of it.

         After a few minutes, I looked back at him to see if he was still staring. He was. Maybe he didn't know I was giving him a chance to look away. Maybe this time he'll stop. So, I looked away again. When I looked back, he was blushing- but still looking at me. I don't think he took the hint, I thought.

       I spent what was left of the class looking directly at Mr. Hale, fully knowing Caspian was obliviously staring at me. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. I'll have to talk to him after class, I thought.

     A few moments later, the bell rang. I watched the flood of students leave the door. Even Mr. Hale left, for he had a free period after our class. I, too, had a free period after physics. Caspian was still sitting in class, gathering his belongings.

"So," I said spooking Caspian out of his thoughts. "What were you doing just now?"

"Wow," Caspian whispered to himself. "Your voice."

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