A Balance In The Force

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The flight to Exegol was longer than you expected. You were sharing your location with General Hux and you clicked your binary beacon so Leia knew you were ready for the troops. You were nervous along with everyone else on the ship you cleared your throat and spoke,

"Knights of Ren, my beautiful sister Rey.." you started as they all looked at you with hope in their eyes,

"I know you all are nervous because we do not know what we are going to face on Exegol, but I can promise you one thing. I will lead you to victory in this fight and I will fight for all of your lives, you all mean the galaxy to me. Your my family and I don't know what I would do without you. When we are fighting, do not lose hope, the force is strong with us and I feel it, I love you all and thank you for fighting by my side." you spoke with hope in your voice and stood confidently.

The knights bowed down to you and so did your own sister. You were the leader of this fight and you were proud. You were smiling as you told everyone to stand and you all group hugged. Poe had requested a transmission and you answered.

"Y/n, we are on our way to Exegol as we speak, we have TIE fighters, X-wings, Naboo star fighters alike. Lando was able to travel the whole galaxy with Chewie and find people to fight this one last time." you smiled as your eyes watered.

"Y/n your our leader in this fight and we will not give up and we will fight by your side." Poe said as he smiled.

"Poe connect me to your com I wanna speak to everyone that is coming into this fight with us." you said as he nodded his head.

"Alright y/n your on." he said,

"Hello everyone, this is Lady Ren speaking.." before you could continue Leia interrupted.

"Actually everyone you will call her General Y/n." she said as you smiled you had always wanted to be a general and Leia knew that.

"Okay well, as your General, I just wanted to thank everyone for fighting in this war to defeat the dark side once and for all. My grandfather is malicious and is trying to tear the galaxy apart for power. I will not let that happen, while fighting you must not lose hope. I vow to protect you all with my life. I am thankful to have you all by my side. May the force be with us all today." you finished and heard everyone cheering as Poe said,

"IGNITE THE SPARK!" he cheered as you all replied

"LIGHT THE FIRE!" you along with everyone else including the First Order cheered. You smiled as you felt your ship touch the ground.

It was time. You exited the ship and saw all the fighters coming in from there lightspeed jump and you were amazed. The fighters filled the sky and there were ships from around the galaxy and you saw, troops ships land next to yours and saw stormtroopers and rebels stand together behind you as you ignited both sides of your saber and raised it up as they cheered. You were ready for the fight. You looked at your surroundings and the planet was dull, a dark blue with lighting strikes here and there. You looked straight ahead and saw a big box like building and you told everyone to move forward.

You all made it to this platform like thing and you along with a few thousand people stepped onto it. You held onto Rey's hand and she squeezed it for reassurance. You were scared but you didn't let anyone know that. The platform touched the ground and you were in a hall full of statues of Sith Lords. You walked down a long hall and heard chants, you held your hand up and everyone came to a stop in front of two large doors.

"I need you all here to wait until I call for backup alright? The word I will use is RISE!" you said as you looked back and everyone nodded their heads. You tried to reach Poe and he answered.

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