Chapter 1

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(A/N) this is my first fanfic, so if it's bad please don't hate me and maybe even give some tips!         ( ^ω^ )

(Iruka POV)

It was my break time already? Wow, time flies when you having fun. Especially when you're teaching the best kids in the world. I guess I'll go sit outside and eat, so I walk outside to sit near the training grounds. While I'm walking, I pass Kakashi and Team 7 training. Hm, when did Hatake get so handsome? WAIT. No. Bad Iruka. 

I realized that Naruto noticed me and ran over. "Hey Iruka-Sensei! How's your day been?" I told him I had a great day so far, but then he asked "Was it because you were staring at Kakashi?" He teased. "Hey! N-no! It was because I had a fun time teaching at the Academy!" I defended myself and blushed. He needed to learn some manners, that kid. 

 Sasuke came over and told Naruto that training was over for today. That's when I looked at the time and saw that I was late for class! I hurried back to the Academy and into my classroom. "S-sorry I'm late" I puffed, with my hands on my knees.

 The students knew I was never late for class, and the questions began. "Why were you late to your own class?" "Were you in the bathroom?" "Were you too caught up in staring at someone?" That last one was creepy close to the actual reason. "Sit down, class. I was just" I couldn't think of an excuse, so I used one from someone who made up stupid ones. "Lost on the road of life?"

Everyone knew I borrowed that one. I didn't let them ask questions and just started my lesson. But I did hear a "If you were lost on the road of life,  how did you even get here?" And I laughed. "I got lost for a couple minutes, turned around, and realized I was just facing the wrong way." I was proud of myself for making them laugh.

 At the end of the day, Everyone (as always) hurried to get out. I went home and started grading, but I decided I would go get food and then grade stuff. So, I walked over to the ramen place, ordered my ramen, and sat down. I looked around, and guess who I saw? Kakashi Hatake. I swiftly looked back down at my food, and I think I was blushing a little bit.

I know if you're thinking ,you don't actually know him, you can't like him, but I've talked to him more than once about different things. First off, he reads Make-Out Paradise, weird. He also is cool, flirty (oh goshhh) and he can get almost completely serious. Kinda weird. Can weird be your type?

Oh gosh, he's walking over. OH GOSH, HE SAT NEXT TO ME! "Hey Iruka, how's the kids?" I swear I am a human tomato as I answer. "They're fine, what about yours?" He looks so handsome while he's smiling (is it actually smiling? Hm). "Oh, they're such doofuses but they're great. Also, did you put on a boat-ton of blush this morning or have you been fawning over someone?"

I tried to smile, but I think I just looked like an Idiot. "Why should I tell you? Oh, have you already figured out that Naruto likes Sasuke?" Kakashi looked unfazed by this. "Well. I have, yes, and you look like a strawberry." I needed to start wrapping this up. "Well, I need to go. Bye." Then I got up and hurried out.

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