Chapter 10

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(A/N) who doesn't want an Itachi meme like that, right? Right....? ( '△`) well anyways- tHiS fIrSt PaRt Is JuSt HoW mYo FiNdS oUt WhAt KaKaShI lIkEs To ReAd.

(Myo POV)

"Dad?" I looked at him from above, I jumped on the bed to wake him up. "What..?" He woke up. "Mom want's help making pancakes," I lied. "Okay.." (mind you, when this happens Myo is 10) Dad went downstairs and I went and grabbed the stool from my room. Time to figure out what's in the shelf they keep me away from... I put the stool down and stood on top of it. I grabbed from the shelf, a book. What's 'Icha Icha Paradaisu'? I opened it. WHAT THE FUCK-? Ew! Dad reads this stuff? I put it back and grabbed the stool before running into my room. Dad came in. "Iruka didn't..." He said confused. "Oh, I thought he did.." I said. He went back into his room. "Who touched my books?" I heard from my parents' room. "Can I go outside?" I asked Mom. "Sure!" He said and I got out of the house quick. I didn't even have time to say hi to Obito and his parents before Dad came out of the house. I ran to the park. He followed. I climbed a tree he would be to heavy for (it's just a small tree ppl) "Myo..." he started, but I was already as high up I could go. "Why the fu- why do you read that?" I asked, clinging to a branch. "W-well, I.." he was nervous. My dad. Nervous. Just then Mom walked over. "Myo, get down.." he said. I shook my head. "No! There's a perv down there!" I pointed at Dad. "Myo Hatake, get down now or else I'll-" Mom's fuming was cut off by me climbing down. "Fine, fine.." 

(A/N) ok now for some more actual KakaIru- also this is about 2 months after the books incident-

(Nobody POV)

Myo was feeling in the mood to prank someone. 'What kind of thing would be hilarious?' She thought. Meanwhile, Kakashi was thinking the same thing. What kind of Dad doesn't participate in April Fools' Day? Myo went over to him and whispered, "Let's prank Mom! We can come up with something super funny!" Her father nodded. "What if we ... ?" He asked. After his idea was spoken, Myo had a nosebleed. "You do you, all I'm doing is switching out his headband with a gummy version." Kakashi shrugged, "Okay then." Iruka was meanwhile putting purple hair dye in Kakashi's hair stuff. Then, he switched Myo's glasses with stained glass, very carefully. Later, Kakashi would execute his plan, but Iruka didn't know that.


Kakashi executed his plan-

 i'm Guessing all you guys thought I would actually write something good this time- nope i'm Planning something that will be Epik for next time- but still, sorry for something so anticlimactic  and short-

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