Chapter 4

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(A/N) i'm running out of Kakashi x Iruka pictures for the top so when I'm out imma just put Naruto memes up. 👍 

(Kakashi POV)

Hmm, I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I just can't stop thinking about how cute Iruka is. Probably. Eh, I'll just go say hi and come back (yeah kakashi, he'd totally be awake at 3am waiting for you to swing by and say hello).I got out of bed and put on my mask and headband. Then I walked outside the apartment building. Wait, where does Iruka live again? Oh yeah, that way. I walked in the direction of his house.

When I got there, I knocked on the door. Figuring he was probably asleep (but not that it was a stupid idea) I somehow got up to his bedroom window to make sure. I blushed looking at how cute he was asleep. Oh hey, the windows open. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I came in for a cup of water, right? He's so caring. I opened the window just enough to slide through and closed it so if he woke up, he wouldn't think it was breaking and entering. Also, why would I go all the way there to steal a cup?

I went over to the door of his room and tried to open it. Of course, it was locked. So as I was going to leave, I had an idea. I mean, if it would help me sleep so I don't have to stay home sleeping tommorow, which would mean not seeing him at lunchtime, it'd be fine, right? I argued with myself mentally and finally the other half of me agreed to the idea. I took off my headband, but this time not my mask. I slowly, as not to wake him up, climbed into Iruka's bed and lay down beside him. I made myself comfy and fell asleep.

(Iruka POV)

I woke up and- why do I feel an arm around my waist? Oh gosh. OH gosh. OH GOSH. I looked behind me slowly to see A SLEEPING KAKASHI. How'd he get here? Why is he in my house? I looked in front of me. "Hhhhhhhn......" I heard from behind me. He was waking up oh gosh. I felt the bed squish and stuff as he sat up.

 "Huh?" He asked, confused for a second. "Well you're the one who probably broke into my house and fell asleep IN MY BED!" I said quietly. "Oh, sorry... I just couldn't sleep, so I came to say hi, but you were asleep, so I went to go get a cup of water from your kitchen but your door was locked." "HOW DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM THEN?" I asked, angry. 

"Well, first, I walked up the outside of your house to your window. Then, I saw your window was unlocked after I realized how cu-" he seemed to catch what he was saying and stopped talking. I was still mad he broke into my house. "Why did you get in my bed and sleep next to me then?" "Why? You like it? I can stay here." I blushed, but decided to discipline him. 

"JUST BECAUSE I DID DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BREAK IN AND DO IT!" I yelled at him and realized what I said. I covered my face and blushed profusely. "You did, eh? So does that mean I can?" I got up and ran out of the room into the hallway. When I got in the kitchen, I started making breakfast. "NO!" I answered while mixing the waffle batter. I heard the steps creaking and a minute he walked into the kitchen.

He yawned. Obviously, I got a little worried. "Did you get enough sleep?" He chuckled. "I mean, I got here at 3 AM and now it's 7:30. AM." As soon as the waffles were done, I gave him a plate and sat down with mine. "Well then, I'm calling in sick to school and we're sleeping in." He gave me an amused expression. "We?" I corrected myself quickly. "You! You are!"

"Suuuuure." "Shhhh Im calling the school." I took out my phone and put in the school's number. "Iruka, you know you don't have to call to tell me you'll be at school already." The principal scolded me. "I'm calling in sick" I told her. She was probably rolling her eyes. "Because you want to cuddle on your couch with Kakashi all day?" I blushed. "I'm not- ugh, I have COVID-19!" "No you don't, Iruka. You just want a day off." "Maybe so, but I have a reason, and I'm not coming to school." I concluded, and hung up. 

(Meanwhile, at school)

Naruto realized Iruka wasn't showing up. "Hehehehehehe....." He went over to Sasuke and pulled him to the front of the class. "Class, today we are practicing asking people out." He said with a silly voice. "So, Sasuke, pretend I'm your crush, and ask me out." Sasuke Just looked skeptical. "Naruto, you are my crush." He folded his arms. Naruto was speechless and blushing.

Sasuke was serious. "W-Wait, r-really?" Naruto stammered. Sasuke just let his arms hang loose. "Well duh, why else would I say that?" Naruto Just looked down with a blank face. He walked up to Sasuke like that, but when he got to the other boy, he looked up and kissed him. On the lips. Sasuke looked surprised but then kissed back. The whole class had been watching silently, but when Naruto kissed Sasuke, everyone (well, maybe not some of the boys) jumped up and down happily.

Then, the other kids suddenly stopped. "Well hello. I'll be your sub for the rest of the day." The two who were in the front of the room pulled away from each other. "No, stay like that. It's cute." Said Asuma from the doorway. "Just, maybe do it in the back of the room. I know how you feel, so i'll let you continue somewhere where i'm not teaching." Sasuke mentally punched the air. Naruto just blushed.

(A/N) heeyyy! Just so you know, i'll Take suggestions throughout the whole thing. Am I expected to think of everything myself? Or can I take a bit from here, there, that, and them?

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