Sorry,Dad~Chapter Three~

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"You look at me,it's like you hit me with lightning!" 

I hit my alarm clock and smiled as I woke up and stretched my arms. 

Angel laid at the foot of my bed with her face in her phone. 

I kicked her once and she shot up like a rocket.

"I'm up!" She yelled and I smiled at her.

"Good because breakfast is almost ready girls." Esme said as she stuck her head into my room. 

"Thanks Aunt Esme!" Angel and I said together and Esme just smiled a loving smile.

"Get ready for school girls." She whispered and left the room.

Angel was wearing a checkered long sleeve crop top with a pair of blue jeans and her usual grey TOMS.

I was wearing a white button up shirt with no sleeves and a black bow tie along with black ripped skinny jeans paired with my normal green Converse.

I grabbed my phone from the charger and looked to see that it was on Kik.

I read the messages from last night. 

Peter_Pan_Is_Life : Heylo guise!!!

B3CkY101 - Hey Cas =D - Hey

TheJetRodriguez13 - Hey babe

angelica_214 - Soph,I'm right beside you. Like seriously? 

Peter_Pan_Is_Life - Yes seriously Angel and Hey Dean.  Wyd?

B3CkY101 - Watching Supernatural XD 

Peter_Pan_Is_Life - Lucky!!! - I'm talking with you and that's about it. =/ 

angelica_214 - I'm hanging out with you

TheJetRodriguez13 - You are so lucky Angie! 

angelica_214 - Ikr!! Soph is the best!!! 

B3CkY101 - Gtg guys. Sorry. 

Peter_Pan_Is_Life - Love you Dean and be careful! 

We are some crazy people.

"Angel." I said and turned to see her on the bed asleep.

"Angel." I said and and shook her.

"What?" She whined.

"We're going to school remember? You get to see Cal!" I tried to wake her up again.

"Cal's my baby." She mumbled.

"I know. He's gonna miss seeing your pretty face today." I smiled and continued to shake her.

Sorry, Dad~Punk Michael Clifford FanFic~Where stories live. Discover now