hey there

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boy its been a while hasn't it!! not even sure if any of my followers are still active, much less if they'll see this, but i think i should probably post something as an update on how ive been

a lot in my bio is extremely out of date as ive been developing more as a person as time has gone on (as you do). i wont bog this down with details about how my life has been going, and though i might try to respond to comments on this post, this is probably going to be the last you guys see of me on wattpad. if you want to continue following me and my art you can find me at foolish_mortall on instagram and twitter. im fairly active on there and my art has improved a lot so check me out if youre interested :)

im going to keep this account up, but im not going to change the bio or anything so itll probably be quite out of date

anyways, hope you guys have been doing well, and goodbye wattpad :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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