Chapter two

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I pulled my phone out Looking through my Instagram and found a picture of Daphne, another one of my friends who I hung out with every once and a while, we both had cheer and usually, she would eat with me, but she just moved to road island with her mom.

It was a picture of her and two girls on the beach with the caption "the best thing that came from moving was finding you two" 

"Daphne posted again!" I sang out to Bella and Reece. Bella leaned over from Reece which was painting her nails black with a sharpie,

"dang that's a cute suit," Bella said leaning back over to continue painting her eyelids black with eyeshadow. I continued to look through her posts and saw that there was a picture with Ethan in the background holding a controller and playing some type of video game with the guy that was with him on the field earlier which I now realize is Daphne's brother Andrew.

"holy crap, when did they start hanging out?" I said leaning back on a pillow
"Whaddaya mean?" Reece asked with her eyes closed as Bell was finishing putting black lipstick on her making her look emo ,
"I mean he's hanging out with Andrew, and this picture is dated for six months ago" I shoved the phone in her face 
"oh wow" she grabbed the phone from me standing up
"Hey!" both I and Bella said at the same time for different reasons, hers was that she had messed up the makeup she was doing, and mine was that she had stolen my phone...

"Honestly I don't know how we didn't see that before, especially since we were constantly over there because you would practice cheer with her and obviously we came with you. she sat back down and handed me my phone,

"guess I just didn't pay much attention to Andrew or his friends"
"well now you have a reason to talk to him"
"what? "
"you left your geometry book at Daph's house so just plan to get it on a day were he's there" Bell said going through her closet.

"that could work" I answered.

(357 words)

This was a bit of a shorter chapter but i wanted to post so here we are.💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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