They ruined the date -~-

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Kai's perspective

The boy that was with my Izuku yesterday vanished into the ground, I start to hear sirens in the background the guy from the ice cream truck must have called them.

"Izuku stay behind me" I say in a pissed tone and I grab him and is now covering him with myself

My Izuku seems alarmed that the pro hero's showed up and all might also shows, I hold my Izuku tighter before I know it the boy that vanished into the ground comes up behind my Izuku and grabs him from me my Izuku seems worried and scared that he was taken by him in surprise.

"Kai?!?" My Izuku yells you me as he is taken by that annoying boy

This get me madder then before, I'm very pissed of at the moment
I take my glove off and put my hand to the ground trying to use my quirk to grab my Izuku but the boy keeps blocking the ground my jumping and running this gets me even more angry.

"It's okay Izuku your safe now" says the boy who took my Izuku from me

I get even more madder that the boy said that like as if I was a threat to my own Izuku, I then make out of anger the whole ground shake for everyone even the pros and the boy as I rush over to my Izuku who seems to want to be back to me.

Izuku's perspective

Mirio took me from Kai I want to get back to my Kai, they ruined our date....
Kai seems to run towards me and Mirio with open arms ready from me to jump to him.

"Let go of me let me go back to Kai!!" I yell and scream as I try to get out of Mirio's grasp

"Give me what's mine" Kai yells as he makes his way in front of my and Mirio as he snatches me from Mirio's grasp, As I'm back in Kai's arms sir comes up to Kai ready to attack but then Kai dodged it with me still in his grasp.

"That's it!" Kai snaps as he takes off his mask and puts it on me

Kai finally snapped, as he threw me in the air then he takes on a diffrent form from what is original human form he starts to slash the hero's around him as I'm still in the air he slashes sir but lightly knowing I would be mad.

"Kai I'm going to help you!" I yell as I activate my quick and fall towards him

I take a quick glimpse at All Might who seems surprised that Im with the villain and going to help him I fall on to Kai then jump off him and onto the ground still using my quirk and then I grab Kai and we both fly up.

As me and Kai are hugging in the air I quickly fly us to a alleyway far away from the pros and Mirio and Sir, as soon as we hit the ground Kai changes back he soon pins me to a wall a kisses me I'm taken by surprise at the sudden kiss but I kiss him and give him entrance to my mouth.

"K-Kai..." I say in between the kiss

"So how was the date hmm?" He says in my ear as we break the kiss

We both hear a sound from farther in the alleyway we both look over there and see Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki head our way.

"What a lovely surprise, good to see you again Overhaul" says Shigaraki as he greet Kai as if they were friends

"Ooo~ Overhaul who is this cutie?" Toga points to me as she smiles

"Shut up you crazy woman, ignore her kid." Dabi says as he looks at me in his annoyed look like he always looks

"Good to see you too Shigaraki again I see you are going some where right?" Kai says in a sarcastic tone

"That's right wanna join?" Shigaraki says as he hold Toga from running to me

"Not today, I'm having a date with my Izuku" Kai says as he points to me as he is still pinning me to the wall

"Alright your loss, see you later Overhaul" Shigaraki says as waving bye to Kai and the other walk out with him

"Now where were we?~" Kai says as he looks at me in a seductive tone as he lifts my head to his

I blush bright red as I cover my face.

(Tbc ->-)

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