Deku why?

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Kai's perspective

I then grab my Izuku and pin him more against the wall and start kissing him we stay kissing for a good ten minutes before Izuku breaks the kiss.

"Let's get back home to the base the hero's are probably now searching this part of town" My Izuku says as he pants well speaking

"Alright my Izuku, but let's play with the hero's a bit I can tell they are here now~" I say to Izuku but I can tell he already knows what I'm going to do.

I then take out a rope and tie it around my Izuku lightly so it does not hurt him and then I start to drag him, my Izuku seems fine being dragged because it does not hurt him
I then drag him to the corner and when we turn the corner I see that rude boy from a year ago that was bullying my Izuku and he is with All Might.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF DEKU BIRD BRAIN!" Says the spiky haired thot-
(Coughs) Bakugo (Coughs)

I then take my mask off from around my Izuku's neck that is the signal that he need to act, like I'm kidnapping him as I put back on my mask I can see the spiky haired kid notices I'm the same guy who 'Kidnapped' Izuku before.

"HELP, STOP DRAGGING ME IT HURTS!" Says my Izuku without laughing, I can tell he is smirking though

"Hand over younge Midoriya villain!" Says All night in a battle ready stance

I start to smirk now and laugh a little, Izuku is trying not to laugh because I'm going to make him laugh.

"Ooh~ help please save me All Might this handsome dude is kidnapping me~" My Izuku says in a tone were I can only hear, i start laughing well the look on the other peoples faces that are trying to take Izuku from me are so confused of why I'm laughing so hard.

I then pick up my Izuku with my arm, the other too seemed triggered that I touched him and I'm not hurting my Izuku but they realize I'm going to leave again with him.

Thots- I mean Bakugo's perspective

How dare this bird brain take Deku once again from me, and why is he laughing? And why is Deku trying to cover his face? Whatever I'll just take Izuku back by killing the bird guy.

"DIE" I yell as i run towards them with anger

The bird guy smirks as Deku gets right in front of him and he grabs my fist i can see All Might confused in the background, just then Deku pushes me down and throws me back into the wall all i hear before passing out is...

"Never touch Kai..." Deku said before breaking out of the ropes easily and getting on Bird brains back

And before i knew it i was rushed to the hospital with All Might he got hit from the impact as well, but Deku what happened to you?....

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