The Good Malfoy

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The girl walked along the alley, trying to find her brother. Her father had sent her to go get him, but the problem was, he wasn't anywhere around. She looked in every shop, every store, and still no Draco. He had already been to the robe fitting shop, as the lady there said he was quite a handful. She went to Borgins, not there either. 

She turned around, about to head back to her parents, when she saw Mrs. Weasely with her family. She looked angry. I recognized Hermione Granger there from Draco's constant rambling and pouting. There was also a boy there, who looked different. Black hair, green eyes, glasses. And in front of him...

"Draco!" The girl rushed to her brother's side, wondering what on earth he was doing.

"Sir, please forgive my brother for any rude comment he may have made," she said, "He doesn't do well with strangers" she whispered loudly. The boy snorted. 

"Oh, whatever, Leila. I was just telling Potter here that last year was a fluke, and he didn't really defeat You-Know-Who again." Draco sneered.

The girl gasped. "Potter? As in, Lily and James Potter?"

Only then did she realize who the boy was. "Oh, leave him alone. Can't you just accept the fact that Harry Potter is a good wizard? So what, it wasn't you! You had your chance, and you blew it!"

Draco opened his mouth to say something, offensive, probably, when Arthur Weasely stepped in. 

"Is there a problem, young Malfoy?" He asked, directed at Draco. 

"No, Mr. Weasely, my brother and I were just leaving." Arthur looked at the girl and his smile didn't seem so forced anymore. 

"Miss Leila! And how have you been?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Its my brother you should be worried about. Come on, Draco, Father's waiting at Borgin's."

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute, I've got to go somewhere."


"Do you always have to ask so many questions? Stop being annoying for once in your life and get out of here!" Draco said, shoving the girl aside as he hurried down towards Knockturn Alley.

The boy looked at the girl, and she looked hurt and stunned. She seemed nice, he thought. She didn't deserve that. The only good Malfoy.

Later, he found himself in Borgin's And Burke. He had no idea how he had gotten there, he had tried Flo Powder travel, and automatically knew there was no way he was ever doing  that again. 

He looked around at the shop, and was about to get out, when he saw out the window, a familiar blond face. Draco. He quickly looked around and dived into the storage closet. He did not want to deal with him right now. He and his father, Luicus, came into the shop. Luicus said to Draco, "Don't touch anything."

Of course, Draco almost touched something.

That is, until his sister barged in and told Draco that their mum needed him. Harry still couldn't believe Draco had a twin sister so pretty. Harry thought Draco always looked like a blond toad.

But his sister didn't...

As if drawn to it, the girl came closer and closer to the closet, looking at all the gory things on display. She had a disgusted look on her face, like she couldn't believe people would buy such things.

Noticing the cabinet, and being the curious girl that she was, she looked into the closet, and Harry's heart leaped in his throat. He thought the girl would tell her father, but subtly put a finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet. She slowly backed away from it, going to where her father stood.

The girl complained loudly that she didn't want to be here, Draco left hours ago, and she was bored. Luicus looked at her in disdain but finally said, "Oh, come on then. But you should know better. Malfoys do not complain. They are strong, brave, ready to take on anything, but most importantly, they are NOT complainers. I thought I taught you better..."

Luicus continued to scold his daughter on the "principle's of being a Malfoy". On her way out, she rolls her eyes in the direction of the closet and winks, hoping that Harry sees it. 

'Once again, the good Malfoy comes to the rescue,' thought Harry.

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