Chapter 40

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Natalia was updating him on the going's on at work in the month that he had been gone but she could see Gabe's eyes dart around the room with no focus. He was in pain and Natalia felt bad for being the reason he couldn't be all doped up on oxy.

He would thank her later, she was sure of it. She was all too familiar with drug dependency after an injury. When Nick, her twin, had torn his ACL in the knee, some whack job doctor had sent him home with too many pain pills and he had an uphill battle with addiction and withdrawal symptoms. She couldn't watch another man she loved go through the same thing.

The hospital had come up with a plan to gradually lessen the amount of pills he needed and to alternate with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs instead of solely being reliant on them. It had been working so far, but on some days nothing worked.

He gave her an apologetic smile when he noticed her silence. He was so patient with her, Natalia felt her chest tighten with emotions she couldn't express further than, 'I love you.'

Not to mention, he had only become more attractive to her since he had been away. He had kept the beard at her urging, and the lengthy hair strands that curled around his ear.

His body had gotten leaner, with more cuts of muscle. He had a deep tan on his skin, golden brown, the type you get when you brown things in butter over a hot pan. The tiny, soft hairs on his arms and neck were bleached golden. He looked like a sun-kissed Greek statue and he was all hers.

She blinked from her unabashed study of him, returning to the matter at hand, "I'm sorry, do you want me to call your GP? I can — "

"No, you're right babe. I don't want to be reliant on painkillers. Not everyone is lucky to have you in their corner."

She stared into his lush verdant eyes and pressed her lips to his. "Let me make you feel better," she whispered against them.

She kissed down his perfect abs, holding his t-shirt up from his abdomen, delighting at his sharp intake of breath when she hovered over his belly button.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a strained whisper.

"What do you think?" She felt herself grow wetter with each passing second and he hadn't even touched her.

She bit into his hip bone, making him slide his entire hand into her hair as she made the downwards descent to her target, and for once she let him mess up her hair. He deserved it.

His gasp, as she blew onto him with a wet, hot breath was worth the very painful grip on her hair. She liked the pain, it made her feel wanted and present.

Her tongue repeatedly laved over his blunt tip. His head was thrown back on the couch, looking upwards to the ceiling, his lips were parted in pleasure and his pupils were blown. Natalia lavished all her attention on him, hollowing out her cheeks, using her hands to massage what her mouth couldn't.

He took great pains to not move his hips and surge into her mouth. She appreciated the effort, her gag reflex was very sensitive.

His hand moved from her hair to her jaw, he removed himself from her mouth with an audible pop, just as she felt him swell in her mouth.

Natalia wiped her lips on the back of her hand. Disappointed, didn't even begin to cover it. She liked the feel of him in her mouth, stretching her lips, nudging her throat and feeling his hot pulse. "Hey, I was..."

Gabe used his grip on her neck to move her from a seated position between his knees to his lap. He kissed her deeply and with no care as to where her mouth had been and that only turned her on further.

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