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"I remember... All I could see was red... It was dark, and painful. I... I tried to open my eyes but It hurt, it..."

I sigh as I try to finish the sentence, I start to fill up with rage.


I burst into tears... I start squirming My hands are tied behind the chair that I am sitting in, my wrist starts to hurt by the rope rubbing on them.

"What happened! Tell me what happened!"

I look up... There's a man standing there yelling at me he is in a neat black suit. I look behind my left shoulder there is a man holding a gun... It Looks like an AK-47, He has a uniform on, A police uniform. I look behind my right shoulder there is another man in the same uniform... He is holding a shotgun. I try to move but I remember that my hands are tied behind the chair that I am sitting in. I am in a small room, there are tiles on the floor and walls. I start shaking. I don't know what they are going to do to me. I look down, close my eyes and try to calm down, but it's not working. I start freaking out I can hear my heart pumping, faster and faster. I look around again but I see blood on the walls and floor, I look around rapidly moving my head left and right, up and down, my ears start ringing, I put my hands over my ears and close my eye... After a few seconds the noise stops, I open my eye and uncover my ears... The room goes black, it's dark... I start to hear laughter... And screaming, I see a child in front of me, I look closer and see that she has no eyes and that she... She is holding a knife! She comes closer to me... Laughing, holding the knife ready to... To. The vision stops, the man is looking at me,

"I'm gonna ask you one more time... What happened?"

He looked at me seriously. I am confused.

"I don't know what happened ok! What the fuck am I doing here anyway?!? Where am I, who are you!... You know what... Go fuck yourself I'm not tellin' you anything!"

I say angrily. He swings his fist and punches me, knocking my tooth out, my mouth starts bleeding. I begin to regret saying that.

"Then I have no use in you"

He signals one of the men to take me out! The man from my right walks over with his shotgun, he flips it around ready to hit me with the shoulder stock, he strikes I tilt my head back and dodge, I get up with the chair still on my back, swing around and hit him on the head with the chair knocking him out, he makes a moaning sound. The man with the AK-47 aims at me and shoots. I run at him while dodging the bullets I shoulder-barge him over. He falls down to the ground, he screams, I start repeatedly booting him in the face with my foot until his face is covered with blood and he stops moving, there is blood everywhere. I hear the man in the suit breathing heavily behind me. I swing the chair around and smash it on the wall breaking it to peaces, enabling me to stand up straight. I pick up a sharp piece of wood that had been smashed, I cut the rope off my hands freeing them. I turn around to the man, he is trying to open the door, I walk up to him and pick him up off the floor by his neck, choking him. I could tell by his facial expression that he is terrified of me.

"You really wanna know what happened?" I say in a deep voice. "A possessed child took my eye out. and I will get my revenge!"

I scream at him and snap his neck. I kick the door open and run out I look around, I run down the hallway Into a huge chamber with lots of people...
I am in a mental asylum.

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