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There are people everywhere... All in prison cells. Almost all of them have Straight jackets on them, they all scream and moan non stop. It looks like the place is about four stories high. It is a filthy place, it made me sick. "Stop right there!" I look behind me there are men in the same uniform as the men in the room I was in before, they were police men... I jump, and run. The men follow behind. I turn my head around while running. There are five men chasing me. I am running past the cells. I turned my head to the side and see men and women in there cells holding there legs tilting back and forward, some of them were bashing there heads against the cement walls. The sight of it made me sick. I look back In front of me and keep running with the men following behind. I see stairs In front of me, the stairs lead to the second story. I run to the stairs but there is a police officer blocking my path to the second story. I run at him and see that there is a gab that I can get through to reach the stairs.


The man yelled across the room to me. I see some kind of key dangling by a chain from his pocket. I thought it could come in use. I side step him through the gab while grabbing the key ripping it off the chain. The officer tries to reach over and stop me but he just misses me by a few inches. I continue running up the stairs to the second floor, now with 6 men following... All with guns. I start to run as hard as I can up the stairs trying to get further away from the men. Suddenly I feel my foot slip off one of the stairs, I fall over on the stairs banging my head causing it to bleed. I get up as fast as I can and start running again up the remaining stairs to the second floor. As I run past some of the cells, I realise that this floor has all of the big tough men. I run as hard as I can noticing that the men chasing me are getting smaller, they are falling behind. After I gain some distance from the men I run over to one of the cells and stop. I put the key in the cell door, twist it unlocking the door. I pull it open. I look to my right and see that the men are getting closer.


The man at the front of the pack yells. I turn and run while looking behind me seeing if opening the cell door was worth it. I see a huge man walk out from the cell. He is bald and has ginormous muscles. He turns and looks at me. I start to run harder, still looking behind. I hear a huge bang noise and at that same second his arm gets blown off!


The officers behind had shot his arm off and started yelling the same words over and over again. The big mans Blood was flooding the ground from his shoulder. It looked like it was a critical hit. Blood was draining out of his body.


the big man yelled, shaking the hole building. He turns around to the police men with anger. All six police men had stopped, pulled there guns out, pointing at the humongous man, he almost doesn't seem human. I notice that I have run far enough from the police. I stop running And watch. At first The giant creature started walking at the men.


The head of the police yelled to his men. The creature started running at them with rage. From what seemed like the creature was 30 metres away from the men. Now seemed he was less than 10!


The head of police yelled. All I can see is red holes appearing on the creatures back. Six armed police men are firing at the creature at once. Bullets are popping through the poor creatures body... There is nothing I can do. I turn around and run to the stairs which leads to floor 3. The police are at least 500 metres behind now. I started to feel more confident about escaping the asylum. But I don't know what to expect when I get outside. I run up the stairs. I see a door, above it is an exit sign. I run to the door and open it...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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