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Hello everyone I hope you all enjoy my DavidxReader!!

Gwen's POV
{Yes we are starting with her}

"Space kid get the fuck down of that fan!" I yell as I throw some forks and spoons but they have no affect on the little shit. 'WTF is that fishbowl made out of.' "Never I will achieve space flight!" I looked at my phone and it read 9:47 am. 'OMFG IT'S TO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT' Then I heard the doors open and in comes a happy David. "Good morning Gwen! Oh golly space kid!" He runs towards the fan were Nurf was only to get fûcking stabbed in the hand right after turning it off. Then a thud came and space kid saying, "I'm ok!" I sight and roll my eyes. "I'll get the bandages. Again." I go to the back only to almost get knocked down by Nikki and Neil running trying to grab a journal. I rolled my eyes again and kept walking. I grabbed the bandages and went to David who was sitting while crying about the knife in his hand. 'Can't blame him.'

I went up to him took out the knife and started bandaging it. 'Ok Gwen it's time to tell him we fûcking need another counselor. And that I know the perfect person to take care of these motherfuckers.' "Da-" I started but got cut off from him. "Gwen have you seen Max he is usually here by now." And that's when I notice it. 'Where the fuck is that little shit?!?!'


We heard a huge explosion at the front and we all ran outside. Turns out that little shit had blown up the car. "How the fuck did he- Forget it it's max." "Oh my god Max are you ok?!?! And what happened to the car." 'WTF' "David it's fûcking obvious he blew it and on another note we need to fûcking talk." I said grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him to the counselors cabin. "But the car is still on fire!" He yells as he points at the car. "Ered while me and David are talking your in charge and put the fûcking fire down." Ered just blew her hair from her face and said. "Ok. Cool." While Nikki jumped up and down saying "Yay Ered's in charge." And Max yelling "Why the fuck is she in charge?!" "Because she is older and more responsible than you little shits." I say and kept walking to the counselors cabin.

I let go of David and pushed him in as I closed the doors. "What do you want to talk about Gwen?" He says giving me a smile. "We can't deal with this David we need another counselor to help us. And I have the perfect person in mind. And no she is not in a cult like the other two." I said remembering Daniel and Jena and getting small chills. "Plus she loves children and excels I'm many things. And and she can take over the cooking for the QM so no more shitty food. Eh? What do you think?" I said looking at him as he was thinking. "I don't know Gwen yes we do need more help but we don't have the money to cover for another counselor." "Don't worry about that she actually just needs more hours of taking care of children and volunteer hours. So she would just need a signature indicating she was here for the rest of the summer." "Wait she's still in college?" "Oh no she already graduated it's for her teaching certificate. She want to teach this upcoming year for middle schoolers." "Well it seems we will be having a new co-counselor Gwen you wouldn't mind sharing cabins right?" He asked me. "No not at all." "Wow that's a first you two must be well acquainted then." "Yes she's my best friend since middle school." I said happily. "Ok I'll go text her that I found a job for her to get some hours." I said grabbing my phone.

Gwen💜: Hey Y/N good news I found you a job for you to get extra hours. 😊

Y/N💙: Omg really where?!?!😲

Gwen💜: At the Camp Campbell where I work and we get to be roomies 😆😆😆

Wait I thought that job was shitty and sketchy AF. 🤨🤨

Gwen💜: Well it still is but we really need help plus we get to be roommates and you get your hours.

Y/N💙: That is true ok I'll take the job. It's in Sleepy Peak right?

Gwen💜:Yessss thank thank you 😊😊😊

Y/N💙: Ok I'll be their tomorrow morning at 8:30am in my car. Also what should I wear??🤔🤔

Gwen💜: YAY. Oh let me ask David hold up.

I looked up from my phone and David was doing some paper work. "David she's asking what she should wear?" He turns around and says, "Oh tell her to wear anything comfortable also can I have her shirt size to see if we have any for her." "Ok. Oh and she is a s/s." Then I hear my phone buzz.

Y/N💙: Oh right David was that red hair you called annoying because of his happy attitude. Seriously I don't see the problem.

Gwen💜: 😒Oh you will when you get here. And you can wear anything comfortable.

Y/N💙: OK thank you. I'll go unpack now text you later. Bye love you💜💜

Gwen💜: Ok. Bye love you too💙💙

I put my phone away with a huge grin. "Ok so she will be here tomorrow morning at 8:30am. And yes she is driving here." I said knowing he would asked me how she would get here. "Well ok lets tell the cam-" I out my hand up. "Let me stop you right fucking their we are not gonna tell them cause then they will make a mess to run her away. So hell to the NO!" I saw David gulp a little. "Yeah your right their would be chaos and another revolution." "Ok so we agree to keep it at a low profile and nothing can stop us." I said as we both got out of the cabin and walked back to the mess hall.

And their is was


They all screamed and it seemed Max was the leader. "FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU LITTLE SHI-" but I was cut of by being tackled and tied to the flag pole. AGAIN!!! At least I have trash tv.

 AGAIN!!! At least I have trash tv

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1064 words
Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you next time.

David x reader💙 {CampCamp}Where stories live. Discover now