~3~ Deal🤝

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I pulled an all nighter just to right this. It's currently 6:55am. Ima just post than go to sleep cause this author needs her sleep 😴. Hope your all having a good day/night.

David's head hit the floor and said "Ouchie." "Pfft. That'a cute." I said while slightly chuckling and making him blush.

"Noooo trashy tv show!!" We all turned around to see a crying Gwen on the floor in front of a broken tablet.

We all stared at her blankly as she held the tablet to her chest. "Gwen calm down it's just a show." David said. My eyes widen. 'Holy shit he's going to die'

She turned to him with a death glare. "It's not just a fucking show David" She said walking towards him ready to kill him. He let out a small Yelp but before she could get close to him I stepped in front of him.

"Hey ya missed me bitch." I said giving her a closed eye smile while lightly pushing David to the side.

"Oh my fucking god bitch your here." Her whole attitude did a 360.

"Yup the one and one bitch." She than tackled me into a hug but I was able to balance myself so I could twirl her a little.

"Why didn't you text me that you were already on your way here?"

I gave her a questioning look. "I did text you but you didn't text me so I thought it was to early for you to be up."

She grabbed her phone and their was my text from 7 in the morning. "Damm your right. Well as you can see this place is a piece of sh-"

Before she could finish David jumped next to Gwen finishing her sentence. "Heaven."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sure. If heaven looks like a fucking pice of shit." Max said rolling his eyes. "Now when are we getting the good shit." He said looking at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hell yeah we are. Gwen go make a list of all the fo-" Gwen cut me off. "On my way."

"Wait but we don't have enough money to buy real food." David said as Gwen ran to a cabin with a counselor sign on top.

"That is where I come in I will pay for everything so you don't have to worry about it." I said patting his shoulder and giving him a big smile witch he returned with a blush? on his face. 'Might be the sun. He did stay upside down for basically a whole day.' I though as I retrieve my hand.

Gwen came running back with a huge list. "I have been working on this list since I came here."

"Y/N I've got the boxes" Ered said while putting them down and tossing me my keys.

I gave them to Gwen. "Take my car and go buy the stuff. And take my card." I said garbing my wallet and giving her my credit card. "And please don't go crazy with it like last time."

"Last time what the fuck did she do?" Max asked. "Hey language." David said trying to discipline him.

" I sent her to buy me two bags of chips and a Coke and told her to get whatever she wanted. She bought two whole stores in just 2 hours. Her excuse was that I told her to get whatever she wanted."

"And you did say that!!!" She said dramatically. And a kid that looked Shakespearean looked amazed. "Yes say it again but this time with more force!" We ignored his comment.

"I did but I didn't fucking mean to buy up two whole stores!" I say waving my hands around. Just to exaggerate.

She was about to say something but stopped. "Yeah your right." She handed me the list. "Could you check it just in case." I sighed.

"Just buy the basic foods go from healthy food to breakfasts and junk food. If you think we need something more you can buy it. Just don't buy the whole store. Ok?" I said handing her her back the list which most likely contained trashy tv and all junk food.

Her eyes began to sparkle. "I won't let you down!" She said walking backwards to the car.

"Ered is going with you." I tell her I look at Ered. "Go with her in case she goes overboard." I said patting Ereds back to go to the car. She nodded and went to the passengers seat. I turn to the others. "Ok everyone grab some gloves a trash bag and a trash picker." I went to the boxes and handed each camper their supplies and putting them on teams. "Come on David you and I are a team." I said handing him gloves and the trash bag and I got the trash picker and some gloves.

"I'm so excited for this team-bond exercise!" David said with a huge grin.

"Well why don't you we make it a little more competitive?" I said with a smirk while David slightly titled his head in confusion. "Listen up!" I said grabbing everyone's attention. "Who ever gets the most trash picked up wins extra dessert for the rest of the week." To this everyone started to pick up trash faster. I turn to David to see he has a huge smile and some tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I get emotional when they are bonding together." David said whipping his happy tears.

"Awww that's so cute." I could help but say it. And David's face turned a dark shade of red and trying to stutter something. I chuckled at his cute antics. "Come on David we are also part of the competition. So, let's hurry up. For dessert!" And I heard Niki scream my last sentence as we all picked up trash for food.

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.
Also let's hope Ered keeps Gwen in control and doesn't buy too many trashy magazines.
I hope to see you all later.✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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