Chapter 1: Love Foolish

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She didn't know how long she had been staring at the poster. Marlborough, Massachusetts. Home. 

At least it had been for a while. 

Trixie's family moved from Milwaukee when she was 12, and the next 5 years were spent in Marlborough. Her stepdad had just died from alcohol poisoning, which Trixie tried to act sad about, but honestly she was happy to be free of the monster. And her mom had decided it was best to get a fresh start and therefor made the choice to move to Marlborough where she had gotten a job as a waitress at a small diner. 

Marlborough was so different than Milwaukee, just under 40 000 citizens, and honestly a breath of fresh air. Trixie had started writing songs again after they moved. Songs about their past, songs about her sister, and most of all songs about her best friend; Katya. 

Katya's family had moved from Russia when Katya was 7, her accent would still shine through now and then, something Trixie adored.
Katya was so different from Trixie, even tho they were both blondes and had a suprisingly similar sense of humor.
Trixie was a barbie pink fantasy, whilst Katya was a psychedelic gothic dream.
As Trixie's skirts got shorter, her hips grew wider and her breasts grew larger, Katya's clothes grew darker and her muscles grew stronger. And suddenly the friendship had become something else.

Katya rescued Trixie. She put the broken doll back together. Unlocked the feelings and thoughts that Trixie had locked away thightly after years of her stepdad's torment. 

That's why leaving her was so difficult.

Trixie told herself she didn't have a choice, and really what choice did she have? Her mom was struggling financially, the diner had closed it's doors, leaving Val with two daughters and no job. Trixie had been sending some of her songs to different record labels from when she was 15, and at 17 she finally got an offer, a really good one. 
A huge advance which would cover most of her mom's debt, housing for her and her family, and job security for 5 years. The only issue was that it would require her moving to Nashville. 

Trixie was foolish. She presented it as only happy news, not daring to show how heartbreaking it was to leave Katya. She only showed the good sides, the excited sides, and Katya stormed out in a heartbroken rage. They weren't dating, not officially anyways, but they both knew that they were far more than friends and had been for 6 months at that point. Trixie knew it was her fault, her fault for not approaching the subject carefully, her fault for not telling Katya she was sending out demos, her fault for letting Katya storm out.

She tried to call, she really did, tho never without hiding the caller id.
She wrote tons of messages that were never sent. Left voice mails that she deleted. And eventually, her phone broke and Katya had changed numbers.
Of course it wouldn't be difficult to get her number again, but her pride got in the way, as it always has. Trixie told herself that if Katya wanted to contact her, she would have.
Her pride could be her biggest enemy.

It's been 8 years.

Trixie's 25 and a country music star, one of the most successful artists in the country. When she left her original label after 5 years, Trixie came out as a lesbian and became a "lesbian icon". Her old label had insisted that her sexuality would ruin her career, but it had done the excact opposite. Trixie was the nation's sweetheart, adored by everyone young or old despite her being openly out. She had toured the country multiple times, and internationally, but one of the few places she's never gone was Marlborough. 

She kept in touch with multiple friends there, tho most had left, the one person they'd mentioned living there tho was Katya. That fact alone made Trixie nervous to return.
She had gone to Milwaukee several times over the years, her mom and sister had moved back after Trixie's original contract ended. Trixie had the money to buy them a house and a car and Trixie was an adult at that point. But even with them living there, Milwaukee didn't seem like home. They say home is where the heart is, and despite many hookups over the years, Trixie's heart still belonged to Katya. Katya wasn't just another girl, Trixie was sure of it.

But Trixie wasn't sure if Katya would ever forgive her.

"Trixie, you okay?" Cory, her bassist, asked. Snapping out of her haze, she looked away from the poster.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" She asked as she turned towards him.

"Just wanted to let you know that we've arrived. The crew's unloading the stage sets and equipment now. So, we'll probably start sound check in 2 hours. We were planning on grabbing something to eat, you joining?" He explained.

"Uhm.. yeah sure, I'm quite hungry." She replied as casually as possible.

They were there.

In Marlborough.

She was home.

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