Chapter 6: Call Me Home

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Trixie wandered nervously back and forth in her dressing room. It had been 30 minutes since the show ended. The room was cleared out and yet there was no sign of Katya.
She worried that maybe the songs scared her away. That is was too personal or just too much.
Still, she hadn't expected Katya to just run off.

"Well you did, why wouldn't she?" Trixie seriously hated her thoughts at times.

Just as she was about to start another angry conversation with herself in her head, she heard voices outside her door.

"Yeah, I'm Katya Zamolodchikova, here to see Trixie Mattel. She should be expecting me." She heard Katya's muffled voice say.

Moments later the door opened slightly and her manager peaked his head in.

"Trixie, there's a guest for you. Someone called Katya, she has a backstage pass and said you expected her." Pete said.

"Yeah, just send her in, thanks." Trixie replied. Katya came in, the familiar scent of cigarettes hitting Trixie's nostrils making Trixie realise that she must have gone for a smoke after the show.

"Hey Trix." Katya said, sounding a little awkward, but in no way hostile which somewhat calmed Trixie's nerves.

"Hi, I'm so glad you're here. Come sit down." Trixie said sweetly, leading Katya over to the two couches in the middle of the room. They sat across from eachother, sitting next to eachother felt too familiar, they weren't there yet and Trixie respected that.

"Soldier take your time." She thought as she looked at Katya.

Katya didn't know what to say, nor what she actually came for. Trixie looked so normal now, stunningly beautiful, but normal.
Her intricate makeup was gone, and her dress had been replaced by a pink hoodie and blue jeans. She looked so much more like the Trixie Katya remembered.

"Do you want anything? Coffee? Tea? Red bull? Room temperature coke?" Trixie asked suddenly. Katya only now realised how fidgety and nervous she seemed.

"Coke would be great." She replied simply. Trixie sprung up moments later and retrieved two cans from her makeup table.

"Here you go." Trixie said as she handed one to Katya. Katya took it with a simple thank you and once again silence found the room.

"You were great." Katya said, wanting to slap herself for how unimpressed she sounded the second she said it.

"Really?" Trixie asked somewhat shyly. Katya's opinion mattered more than any music critic in the world to her.

"Yeah, you were amazing, Trix. Seriously, I might not be the right person to say so, but I'm proud of you." Katya said honestly.

"Of course you're the right person, it means everything coming from you." Trixie said. Katya expected it to be a rehearsed answer, something the young star told everyone, but she found nothing but sincerity in Trixie's eyes.

Silence found them once more, there was so much to discuss, but finding the right words was difficult.

"Soldier is beautiful, tho I've always found it difficult to listen to. I loved it, but I felt connected to it and that made me feel crazy because I couldn't ever imagine that you had actually written a song about me." Katya said after a while. Trixie leaned over taking Katya's hand, which layed on the table, in hers.

"Katya, almost all my songs are about you."

"Really?" Katya asked in a small voice, a tear threatening to fall like a crystal from her eye.

"Yes, of course. The Well, Red Side Of The Moon, I Do Like You, I Don't Have A Broken Heart, Heavy Crown, Moving Parts, Katya they're all about you. And of course Soldier and Hello, Goodbye, Hello aswell." Trixie said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, of course to her; it was.

"I had no idea, I thought I was crazy for thinking like that." Katya said, tears finally escaping her eyes.

"Who else would they be about, Kat. There's never been anyone but you for me. Never anyone for real." Trixie said honestly.

Katya was in shock, she'd expected Trixie to be in a relationship. She'd never expected that Trixie was still hung up on her.

Hello, Goodbye, Hello popped into Katya's head and she realised she should give Trixie some answers. She deserved that much at least.

"I'm sorry I didn't call, I was just angry and hurt."

"I know, I didn't give you much reason to call, especially as I couldn't get myself to call you either. I called from fake numbers at times, even left messages, but I always deleted them." Trixie replied. She waited a little before adding; "I'm sorry for leaving.".

Katya shook her head a little. Trixie leaving had never been the issue, not really. She wasn't angry at Trixie about that, she was angry that Trixie showed no signs of caring about leaving Katya behind.

"I'm not mad at you for leaving, Trix. I just expected you to be a little sad about it." Katya stated, sounding harsher than she planned too.

"I was! I was heartbroken about leaving you, I just thought it would be worse for both of us if I broke down crying. I didn't know how to tell you and I knew I couldn't afford to turn the offer down, so I didn't want you to give me any reason to do so." Trixie explained.

Katya considered her words, it wasn't a great explanation, but it did somewhat make sense.

Silence found them again, no one knew what to say.
They weren't the young girls who could discuss anything anymore.
They weren't the close friends who laughed hysterically at nothing.
They weren't the teens who'd share late night kisses in bed.

They were just two people who had once known eachother.
Two people who might learn to know eachother again, if time was on their side.

"Listen, I'm staying in town for a couple days. Do you wanna grab coffee tommorow?" Trixie asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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