Chapter 3: A Soft Place to Land

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Trixie walked into the small café behind her band members, trying not to draw attention to herself. She had dressed down, simple jeans and an off the shoulder pink sweater, her long blonde hair in a ponytail, and barely any makeup on her face. Trixie looked wildly different without her signature liner and the greatest thing about that was that she could often get away with walking around without people reckognizing her. 

They sat down at a table while Zach went to order for all of them. He returned with a glass of milk, coffees and a pink lemonade for Trixie, knowing that was her favorite non-alchoholic drink. A couple minutes later one of the waitresses arrived with their food, and Trixie thanked the heaven above for it arriving quickly as she was now starving. 

The café was cute, and one that Trixie didn't remember being there previously. Of course, many things had changed in the 8 years she had been gone. She barely reckognized anyone so far, which suprised her as she used to know so many here aside from those she would label as friends. However just as the thought struck her, a stressed 25 year old with smokey eyes, dark lipstick and green hair entered. Dressed in ripped jeans and a band t-shirt paired with doc martin's, Trixie knew it could only be one person; Adore Delano. 

"My usual, thanks. Keep the change." The woman says to the waitress behind the counter.

"Adore!" She practically yelled, before remembering that she was trying not to draw attention to herself. That was however thrown out the window when Adore ran over to her, screaming;


The green haired woman engulfed her in a hug and congratulated her on her success, which Trixie followed up by congratulating Adore on being able to buy Dolly's which was the only decent club and concert venue in town from what Trixie remembered. Of course she was also playing there now, but that was mostly due to Adore practically begging her. Adore had struggled to draw a crowd after taking over the place, but Trixie could sell out anywhere and because Trixie never came to Marlborough, demand was especially high. 

"Thank you so much again, Trix. I know we haven't spoken a ton over the years, but I really appreciate it." Adore said earnestly. 

"Of course! I haven't exactly been the best at keeping in touch either, so please don't feel bad. Honestly I've kind of been hesistant to return on my own, so getting an excuse to come here was easier." She replied.

"That's good, I'm glad I didn't scare you with my desperatation." Adore jokes making Trixie scream out like a bird, which again drew attention to her. She could see some families discussing between themselves, clearly trying to figure out if it was truly her. Which they should have figured out by now since Adore practically announced it when screaming her name previously.

"Oh my god, you still laugh like you're being murdered!" Adore laughed out. 

"Oh Honey, ain't no changing me, honey. No, honeeeey." Trixie said while laughing making Adore laugh even more. 

"God, it's good to see you haven't changed too much. And speaking of, just so you know, Katya's going to your show tonight and she has a backstage pass." Adore said, clearly aware that the subject might be touchy. 

Trixie felt the air leave her lungs.

Katya was coming.

Katya had gotten tickets to see her.

Katya had a backstage pass.

She could get to talk to Katya again by the end of the night.

"Hello? Earth to Trixie?" Adore said snapping her fingers in front of Trixie's face. 

"Oh yeah... did... does... she.." Trixie tried to form a question or just a sentence, but nothing came out.

"She did ask me to get her a ticket, she does still think of you, and she is single." Adore said in reply, the last part making Trixie blush deeply as that was not what she was trying to ask. Allthough, good to know.

"I didn't... I meant, is she still mad?" The once confident blonde asked in a clearly hurt and small voice. Adore's eyes softened, hearing how sad the idea of Katya being mad at her hurt the woman.

"I don't know, I honestly don't... She kind of acts like she is, but she still likes you. She has your albums and shit. So it can't be that bad. I think she misses you, but is still bitter." Adore spoke honestly.

"Uhm... okay, well that's fair I suppose. Thanks Adore, and thanks for letting me know she's coming." Trixie said with a small smile.

"Of course, and I'll see you later, okay? I need to get back to help them set up." Trixie nodded then Adore was out the door, coffee in hand.

Trixie sat down again and saw confused yet knowing looks on each of her bandmates faces.

"So, who's Katya?" Price said with a grin.

"Fuck all the way off, Price. Go wherever straights thinks is hell." She joked making the boys laugh. She thought a bit before speaking again;

"By the way, we need to change the setlist, I have an addition." The boys looked confused at the request but nodded nevertheless.

"Okay, which song are you adding?" Zach asked

"Songs actually, Soldier and Hello, Goodbye, Hello." Trixie stated firmly.

"But Hello, Goodbye, Hello has never been published, you said you'd never publish or perform it." Cory said confused.

"I know, but that was because I didn't think the person it was meant for would hear it, but now she will." Trixie said honestly, a smile on her lips. 

Suddenly, she was really looking forward to the show.

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