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This is my first attempt at writing a story on Wattpad so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please also bear in mind that I am only 14 so my grammar may not always be perfect.

I hope you like it

The air sits heavy, each breath feels smothered. Hard metal surrounds me forcing the stench of sick and sweat down my parched throat. My shoulder aches from lying on rough iron. It's so dark, I can't see my hands. It's like I'm not even there, just a memory lost in an abyss of night.

As I lay there, limp in fear, I felt something warm and sticky pooling around my feet. I shivered, hoping desperately it wasn't what I feared it was. Quickly, I drew my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly.

Mum, where are you?

Dad, where are you?

I feel so alone, though many bodies are pressed against me. 

Oh God, the bodies. 

They are all cold. The fires of life have abandoned them, left me alone.

The burning of bile rises again in my throat, moaning I shift and throw up over the body beside me. I whisper a sorry, even though I know it won't reply.

One thing is certain, I'm scared-terrified even. My body is pure fear. If they find me...
If they find me I'm going to be as empty of life as those lying around me.
Fear makes me sleepy, already I can feel its warm, comforting fingers stretching out  to hold me in its gentle embrace.

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