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While they all fall in love with her smile

she waits for the one who will fall in love with her scars

~The Dreamer

After what seemed like a lifetime of endless night, I felt the lorry begin to slow down.

There was a bang then harsh sunlight flooded in, stinging my eyes with its brightness, and out of the light stepped a tall man, silhouetted by the sun.

"Hello everyone, I hope you had a pleasant journey." he paused, "My name is Commander Mitchell and I am in charge here, everything I say goes. Here, I make the law. Do you understand?" he paused again as we all mumbled our consent, "All right then, everyone out." He climbed out of the gloomy lorry to where the other men were stood ready to help us out.

Once out of the lorry, we were herded, like cattle, until we were crowded together on a tarmac square that was ringed by a squat grey building. As we waited, shivering in the icy January wind, troops of soldiers filed out of the long building to stare at us.

"Attenn-tion!" Commander Mitchell yelled at the soldiers who immediately formed rows and stood stiffly with their arms by their sides.

"As you may have realized, we have some new arrivals," he gestured in our direction, "By orders of Prince Harry all citizens of any large town or city are required to be taken to safe places such as here where we can guarantee their safety. While our guests are here I expect them to be treated with the utmost respect. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir!" the troops chanted.

The Commander nodded once before continuing, "I have decided that each soldier will be nominated to look after one of our guests. This will include showing them around and making them feel at home. However, I do not want your duties slipping because of this. Is that clear?

"Yes Sir." The soldiers chanted again.

"Now, form a single file to be paired up with a guest." He said, then walked over to where we were huddled. I noticed that one soldier wasn't dressed like the others, in a khaki uniform, but instead leaned against a door frame in a black hoodie and jeans. He looked maybe 17 or 18 years old, about the same age as me. He must have seen me watching because he smiled and winked at me, I tried to smile back, but he was blocked from view by the growing queue of waiting soldiers.

"You." Commander Mitchell barked at me, "You're with him." He pointed to a young Hispanic soldier with short brown hair and an easy smile. I shuffled my way through the crowd towards my new guide who beamed and threw his arm around my shoulder weaving through the crowd.

"Hi, I'm Ben." My guide said, removing his hand from my shoulder before offering it to shake.

"I'm Tori," I smiled back at him,

"Sooo miss Tori," Tell me about yourself," Ben began as he steered me towards the doorway that the mysterious boy had been stood in.

"Um, My names Tora Hellebore and I'm 17 years old," I trailed off, unsure what to say next.

He nodded, "Where are you from?"

"York. What about you?"

"My family is Spanish, but I was brought up in Northumberland."

"Also," I twisted my hands together awkwardly, "Where actually are we?"

"Oh yeah," He laughed, "I forgot you didn't know. We're in the Lake District, in the Duddon Valley."

He stopped as he pushed the door open, leading me inside for the first time. Before he turned to me, grinning and said, "Let's start this tour!"


I hope you're enjoying reading this,

Just as a heads up, the Duddon Valley is a real place (absolutely gorgeous) but the Barracks where they're staying is all made up.

Thanks for reading and please don't forget to comment and vote!

yoda971 :)

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