|1| Before

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The most beautiful of stories,

Always start with a wreckage.

~Jack London


"Gideon, catch!" I screamed in childish delight as I threw my bright yellow ball at him. He fumbled with it before throwing it back in my direction.
Gideon, my brother. He was 2 year older than me, but he was the best to play with.
I was 4, very nearly 5 and I lived with my family in the North of England, where the war hadn't reached yet. Life was good. I was happy.
"Gideon, Tora! Come inside, it's dinner time." My Mummy called through the open door, my baby brother, Charlie, clutched at her hip. My older brother smiled at me as he lead me into the house.

England is split in two, North and South, both sides hated the other.

My Mummy told me that before both sides had lived in harmony, but that was before.
Prince Harry is in charge of our side and Prince Edward the South. They are brothers, their father was the king. They were twins born within 4 minutes of each other. The two Princes were inseparable, or so everyone thought.

Then, when they were 19, the king died suddenly, to unknown causes and both brothers blamed each other.
The twins, once best friends, turned on one another and vowed revenge for killing their beloved father. The best that their grief-stricken mother could do was to confine them to different sides of England, North and South.
This all happened 2 years after I was born and as the years passed, their minds grew more twisted until they were both consumed with hate and a civil war was inevitable. Then one day, when I was 17, the tensions bubbled over and desperate measures had to be taken.


"Gideon" I whispered, terrified, "They're here." I grabbed his hand in fear.
Day by day, Prince Harry's soldiers have been evacuating all the people in the big cities to take them to the soldier's barracks in the country further north, so they could be protected from the war that raged between the two sides. Children under 15 stayed with their mothers and those older than that were separated. Anyone over the age of 60 was left behind.

Already my mother, father and little brother Charlie had been taken. Now it was my time, as a 17 year old girl I was going to be separated from the rest of my family.

Fear once again twisted my stomach, would I ever see them again?

"I love you, Tori." Gideon breathed in my ear as he pressed my small bag into my shaking hands, leading me away from the window.

"I'm scared," My hands were trembling in his.

"I know." he smiled sadly at me, "And that's fine, just don't let them see okay?"

I nodded as he drew me into a tight hug, "You'll be fine little sis," He ruffled my hair like he used to when we were children making me duck under his arm to pat it flat again, scowling at his smirk. A loud burst of static made me jump and together we peered out the window. Outside, a smartly dressed officer was standing in front of a large grey lorry, microphone in hand. "Can all inhabitants come outside!" The officer bellowed down the microphone, "I repeat, can all inhabitants please come outside!"

I took a deep breath, turning to face Gideon and pulling him into one last hug. Before wordlessly gripping my bag and walking slowly away. Just before I left the room, Gideon called out to me, "I'll see you soon okay?" I nodded, the lump in my throat too big to push words past. It suddenly struck me how old he looked, standing there in his soldier uniform ready to leave later today. Our two year age gap seemed so big now. It made me nostalgic for our carefree childhood.

With one last wave I turned and walked quickly to the front door, eager for this goodbye to be over.

The busy street outside was loud and chaotic. Doorways were filled with crying relatives and small children darted between legs.

The officer's voices boomed again, "All females come over here to sign your names, then make your way into the lorry!"

Pushing my way through the crowd, I slowly made my way towards the voice spotting another soldier who held a clipboard and pen.

It was over so quick. One second I was safe in my childhood home and the next I was in the dark metal box of the lorry.

Sinking to the floor I found myself between a smaller girl and a woman who lay weeping in overwhelming despair. My own tears were still wet on my face.
I curled into a ball around my small bag to try and escape the pitiful wailing, but the sound twisted itself painfully into my ears filling me with dread.

Gradually her sobs faded until the only sounds were bags rustling and hushed voices. I heard a small pop then darkness, our only source of light had broken. I clenched my bag tighter in fear, everything was silent.

Hello again:)
I hope you are enjoying reading this,
As I said before any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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