
42 3 6

we are a mess

you and I

but the truth is

you captivate me in ways

no soul ever will



My new dorm room was quite small, maybe three metres across.

There were two steel bunk beds pushed against the longer walls and directly opposite the door was a large window, overlooking the surrounding wood. Four metal cabinets, one for each person, were stacked on the right of the door and a floor length mirror on the other side, next to a hanging clock.

Behind me Ben cleared his throat, "Okay, so I'll just leave you to settle in, dinners at 6. Just follow the lines on your map and you should be fine." He smiled as he shut the door, leaving me alone.

I made my way over to the bottom bunk on the right, claiming it as mine by throwing my bag down.

I then started folding all my clothes into one side of my cabinet before carefully slotting my wash bag into the other side. Everything else I kept in my bag and pushed under the bed.

Since unpacking didn't take me too long and I soon found myself lying across my white bedsheets, idly tapping against the metal bed slats above me, humming random rhythms in time.


"Oh. My. God!" A voice shrieked as the door was flung open.

I opened my eyes realising that I must have fallen asleep and abruptly sat up, almost hitting my head on the bars of the bunk above me. The shrill voice belonged to a tall girl with hot-pink hair and thick makeup, who looked maybe 19 or 20.

"Hello," I smiled raising my hand in greeting, but I was completely ignored.

The girl instead turned to a young soldier who stood behind her laden down with bags.

"You never said anything about having to share rooms?" She accused, "What if they... Oh my god, what if they steal all my stuff!" She starts fanning herself dramatically, "I think I'm going to cry." She holds her hands over her eyes, careful not to ruin her makeup and starts sniffling loudly.

I rolled my eyes at her obvious theatrics.

"Um, I..." The young soldier starts, looking panicked, "I just need to..." He quickly dumps her bags and bolts down the corridor.

The girl sighs heavily, then turns to me crossing her hands over her chest, eyes still miraculously dry.

"Hi," I try again, just to be civil.

She wrinkled her nose and gestures to the huge pile of bags outside the room, "Well, what are you waiting for? Pick them up."

My mouth dropped open in shock as I stared at her.

She just tapped her foot impatiently and flicked her bubblegum pink hair over her shoulder.
Dumbfound, I drag myself to my feet and shuffle over to her bags, picking them up and dumping them unceremoniously in front of her.

She then reached out a perfectly manicured hand, as if to pat me on the head, but I quickly ducked and once again attempted introductions with a "Hi, I'm Tori."

The girl sniffed once before replying with, "Bethany Harrod, and I simply have to say..."

But I never did find out what she wanted to say, as the dormitory door swung inwards releasing a blast of words and two identical girls. Short brown hair in a spiky pixie cut framed both animated faces and matching brown eyes lit up upon seeing us.

"Hi!" Both newcomers echoed together, beaming brightly. "I'm Emma," the one on the right then gestured to her sister, "And this is Sophie."

"Hello," I smiled at them both, "I'm Tori."

"Hi Tori!" the twins chorused together then turned to face Bethany expectantly. She sighed heavily while lifting her hand to inspect her bright pink nails, "I'm Bethany, Bethany Harrod."

"Bethany Harrod? As in daughter of Simon Harrod, Captain of the RedFox football team!" This came from Emma. Who stood, eyes shining with excitement. "The RedFoxes are awesome!"

"Thank you darling. My father is rather spectacular isn't he?"

Emma nodded her head so fast that for a second I was scared it would fall right off.

"Yes! That goal he did last season... This is awesome!" She turned excitedly to Sophie, "We are sharing a dorm with Simon Harrod's daughter." She broke off squealing until Sophie backhanded her over the head. "Shut up Em, you look like a loony."

Bethany smirked as Emma scowled at Sophie, blushing slightly.

With introductions out the way they all started to unpack. The twins claimed the other bunk bed and I was stuck with Bethany in the bed above me.

We set off for dinner just before 6 but soon found out that Ben's map was almost completely useless, or that we just couldn't read as Bethany so helpfully pointed out.

"Come on already," Bethany moaned as we turned onto yet another corridor, "I'm starvingg..."

"I know," I muttered though gritted teeth, rolling my eyes, "You've told us only about million times."

I swear if she told us one more time about how hungry she was I think I might slap her.

I was broken from by thoughts when one of the twins-I think maybe Sophie called out, "I think I've found it!"

They'd just turned the corner ahead of us and were now standing in front of the familiar white double doors of the dinner hall. My heart literally jumped in joy, I was finally free of Bethany!

The twins whooped and pushed the doors open.

Hello again:) 

This was more of a filler chapter so I apologise if it was boring...

Thanks again for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!


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